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I feel like its christmas

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Ive just got a shooting job (shotgun) for every friday morning clearing as many crows as possible from a customers land, had bought a crow decoy a few weeks back to use in with my pigeons, but did notice yesterday, that the more dead crows I added to the pattern, more of an interest was shown...


well my missus was just in the garage attic, sorting out the cushions for her patio stuff, when she yelled out to me and chucked an army kit bag down, low and behold, 5 brand new crow decoys, Id thought Id given them away last year :clapper:

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ive been using crows in my pigeon pattern for a while and it is supprising what a difference it makes obveiosly gives pigeons more confidance to see wery crows about ive also had a few extra crows when that land in a near by tree calling to the ones on the ground

good luck with it mate

atb :thumbs:

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I use black cloth & tear into many pieces , throw over ground & bush(crow decoy) also place plastic owl in field. Hide by bush with 12bore , use crow call. This is so much fun, many,many crow rook come , is possible shoot many many bird. :thumbs:

Edited by clint
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