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Final clear out before I move....


TRAP MAKING STEP BY STEP by John Bryan, Detailed plans for professionals,gamekeepers and smallholders. Soft back new condition £10 p&p included


A MANUAL OF FALCONRY Author: Woodford (Michael H.). (1960) 1977 3rd edition. A & C Black. London. In dust-wrapper.Includes chapters on rook-hawking & magpie-hawking by Jack Mavrogordato. Good condition £10 p&p included


A FALCONRY MANUAL. Beebe(Frank Lyman). Good condition. £6 p&p included.


FALCONRY: ART AND PRACTICE. Ford (Emma). 1992) 2nd edn pbk. £6 p&p included


THE MODERN FALCONER: TRAINING, HAWKING & BREEDING. Durman-Walters V.Good condition copy dust wrapper £7.50 p&p included


Understanding Owls, by J Parry Jones. HARDBACK,NEW CONDITION, £7 P&P INCLUDED


HAWKING with GOLDEN EAGLES by Martin Hollinshead - new condition £8 p&p included

Edited by Borat
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