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Please help me with my degree...

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Hi everyone,


I'm currently doing an Engineering Degree with the Open University, and for my next product design assignment I'm looking into the possibility of designing and manufacturing an Air Rifle cleaning kit of some description. Before doing this I need to research users needs, so I was wondering if as many of you as possible would mind completing a quick on-line survey? It's only ten questions so it shouldn't take you too long.


The survey can be found by following this link:





Thank you very much,



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Thank you all for helping me out - so far THL is only place I've asked people to do it and I've had 21 responses already which is brilliant. There's still room for more though if anybody else wouldn't mind doing it? It only takes a minute or two!


Thanks guys, it's a great help,




Ps. Thanks Aaronpigeonplucker - duly noted!!

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