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I think at this time of year grass seeds is a possablity.Can get quite nasty if not removed as the seeds can start to grow and cause allsorts of problems.My two dogs took off through a wheat field yesterday,the rough coated dog came out looking like a porcupine but had no seeds in his eyes, but the smooth dog was full of them. Got most of the out with eye wipes, but had to get ear buts for quite a few.He seems fine today but any signs of gunk and he will be at the vets.Hope this helps.Atb Jeffers!

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Mine get it too at this time of year: dust, pollen, general irritants: usually causes a mild form of conjunctivitis. Just rinse eye with cooled boiled salt water and use Goldeneye or antiseptic eye drops for humans. Only go to vet if eyelids are very inflamed, lots of gunk coming out and dog in distress. Dogs can be allergic to hay fever triggers the same as us.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest chook

Optrex for infected eyes - dont tell the chemist its for a dog though,

as they wont sell it for animals.


Salt water is ok, but it would depend on what type of salt you used,

table salt is no good, as it contains silica-type minerals added as an anti-caking agent,

Silica is a sort of insoluble gritty stuff, and could cause damage to the eye,

best thing is either plain cooking salt or laboratory grade sodium chloride,

dont use plain tap water, to do a saline solution - thats better for useing

to clear out the eyes, use distilled water,


use a slightly heaped teaspoon to a litre of water, to make a saline solution up.

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Optrex for infected eyes - dont tell the chemist its for a dog though,

as they wont sell it for animals.


Salt water is ok, but it would depend on what type of salt you used,

table salt is no good, as it contains silica-type minerals added as an anti-caking agent,

Silica is a sort of insoluble gritty stuff, and could cause damage to the eye,

best thing is either plain cooking salt or laboratory grade sodium chloride,

dont use plain tap water, to do a saline solution - thats better for useing

to clear out the eyes, use distilled water,


use a slightly heaped teaspoon to a litre of water, to make a saline solution up.

i get same prob with mi dog now and then i was told to cleen eyes with a cold wet tea bag and if it dont work to then try optrex i tryed both the teabag 1st and that wood look as tho it was working but it wood cum back a day or so after optrex works good i think its 1 drop 3 times a day it cleared mi dogs eyes up in 2 or 3 days
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my dog has started having problems with one of his eyes he has started to get a bit of swelling under 1 which then makes his eyelid turn slightly in causing his eyelash to irritate his eye causing gunk and swelling i was given some eye drops they do work ran out so went back vets satdy ask for some more and got to book him in for the third time at 38pound for 6 pound eye drops but just trying to find out if i can get the drops from the chemist or online as if he has to have an op then it needs doing i think they just gonna suture i thin slice of skin and pull the eyelid away a bit from his eye but it only started when we started getting the warm weather so if it can be kept under control till end of summer then see if it pollen causing it and cant bloody find the old drops to get the name now but it may just need doing as it may of just come as the dog was getting older cause it started about 8 months of age anyone know what i might be looking for jog my memory and see if i can get them from the chemistthumbs.gif

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