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Hi, Im looking for some advice. Applied for a shotgun certificate in december last year and was refused due to alcohol related previous. (caution for assault 2 years ago, drink driving 7 years ago and a public order offence also 7 years ago.) The chief officer said there was an underlying trend for excess alcohol consumption and such people anr not to be entrusted with firearms, he then went on to say it was unlikely that any future application would be seen in a good light untill such time as I have displayed a long term of exemplary behaviour.. I have recently started up a waste management business mainly managing animal and human health care waste and included in that would be dead animals. We are looking to service farms by way of removing fallen stock and we would ideally like to offer the humane dispatch service.. What would be the chances of me been granted a FAC for the purpose of posessing and using a humane dispatcher?




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You dont need a certificate for any sort of bolt gun.


We sell them in the shop and you dont need a license for them


I was told by the vet that the captive bolt guns are not suitable for the larger species (horses, bulls etc) and he said people tend to use a revolving pistol or similar..

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you mention in your buisness statement, "we" rather than "I" so I presume theres more than just you in this buisness, therefore cant the other person apply for the FAC


'we' been the mrs. She refuses to have anything to do with a firearm.. She wants noting to do with the humane dispatch side of it.. She understands it has to be done but she wouldnt be able to be there to see it nevermind actually hold the pistol and do it.

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Hi, Im looking for some advice. Applied for a shotgun certificate in december last year and was refused due to alcohol related previous. (caution for assault 2 years ago, drink driving 7 years ago and a public order offence also 7 years ago.) The chief officer said there was an underlying trend for excess alcohol consumption and such people anr not to be entrusted with firearms, he then went on to say it was unlikely that any future application would be seen in a good light untill such time as I have displayed a long term of exemplary behaviour.. I have recently started up a waste management business mainly managing animal and human health care waste and included in that would be dead animals. We are looking to service farms by way of removing fallen stock and we would ideally like to offer the humane dispatch service.. What would be the chances of me been granted a FAC for the purpose of posessing and using a humane dispatcher?





The problem is that a humane dispatcher is still a firearm (unless it's a captive bolt gun) so you are still subject to the "fitness to be entrusted with a firearm" criteria reagrdless of your "good reason" for possession.


Whether you are fitted to be entrusted depends very much upon the nature of the things you've done and, importantly, whether you are likely to get into the same sort of bother again. Without knowing the specific details it's difficult to advise. Also, just because something isn't "official", like a caution or a conviction, doesn't mean it can't be taken into account. So, if you are otherwise known to the cops for being the local trouble maker (not saying you are) even though you may not have been cautioned for it then it will also count against you.


Section 44 of the Firearms Act gives you are right to appeal the refusal to the Crown court but this entails you having to stand in front of a judge and explain why the CC's decision as to your fittedness is unreasonable. This is a tought test to meet as a court will take a lot of pursuading as to why someone with alcohol and public order cautions has been hard done by.



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A chap who works for me had convictions not unlike your's but also includeing Police assault.

He got his sgs five years ago with a covering letter that VERY strongly told him if he was arrested [ note not convicted] for Any drink or violent related incident he would lose his ticket. I am pleased to say last month his new ticket came through without a problem .


Try again with all the reasons you think a pistol is the tool for your job, it's the only way you will know for sure.


ATB Coldweld

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