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pup eating the catch

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I was out walking my 9 month old pup today when a rabbit lifted right near him and he chased it for about 40 yards then caught it. When I got to him he had eaten the head and was reluctant to give it up. Its his first rabbit so wasn't to sure if he would retrieve but eating it is the last thing I wanted, do you think it could be an on-going thing?

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I was out walking my 9 month old pup today when a rabbit lifted right near him and he chased it for about 40 yards then caught it. When I got to him he had eaten the head and was reluctant to give it up. Its his first rabbit so wasn't to sure if he would retrieve but eating it is the last thing I wanted, do you think it could be an on-going thing?

it wil grow out of that, mine used to do exactly the same! :victory:

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