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careless ferreting

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good on ya kev, but that ferret has proberbly been out for weeks, and belive you me they can travel for miles, it could have been lost out ferreting a few month back on neighbouring farms.


as for treatment just cleaning the abbsess evry day is not likly to work , i have tried befor and it dont work.


get it in a seperate ferret hutch, and treat it with some antibiotics amoxocilin is good. crush a tablet up in to powder and desolve it in its drinking bottle, so evrytime it has a sip it gets some.


also sprinkle some on some food evryday, tined cat food is good for this as its moist and the powdered tablet will mix in to it well.


do this for at least a week or 10 days.


ps . dossage of the tablet. amococillin comes in 250mil tab, or capsule, youse just half of this evryday in food. and put a full one in the drinker.

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Is that absess on a nipple? stuff like that can happen when you work them with out a collar


stuff like that can happen anyway with or without collar.there are a multitude of things that could have happened.never lost a ferret in all my years of ferreting and i dont use a collar.if it was actually being worked at the time,and even if it was nowt to do with collar just a useless ferreter who couldnt be arsed waiting or digging.or maybe it left by a bolt hole that he didnt notice.yes i will agree some lads swear by their finders and find them usefull but there not the be all of ferreting.

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Got to disagree only time ive ever lost a ferret was when the jill wasn't wearing a collar , The latest piece of permission i got was huge big deep sandy burrows the farmer should me the rest of the farm then this field and said " you wont be able to ferret there you will lose your ferrets ". Next day the field was done with 6 jills wearing fifeteen foot collars it was slow hard going but that got me the farm next door as a result . We seem to end up getting ferreting permission where other folk wont work there stinkers no saying collars are the be all and end all but they sure help and take some of the worry out of ferreting . And it may no have helped that wee jill as theres wankers in our sport same as every other sport but i like givening my ferrets every chance

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