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Hi all, need a little info to put my mind at rest or to get myself off to the vets, my spaniel bitch is in season, I work it out to be 6 to 7 days from the start of it, swelling and signs of blood.


She is now bleeding / spotting reasonably heavy.


Well I have a dog aswell, I understand that my bith can't get pregnant through out the whole season that she can only become pregnant during the "Estrus" the middle part of the season.


This is the issue I am now having I don not wish to have any pups anytime soon so I seperate the dogs for 3clear weeks, well early this morning the dog was out in the garden and my bitch has been staying at the top of the stairs, well I am woken by a dog running up and down the stairs as I wake and come down to give her a ticking off guess who is in the house, the dog aswell.


So I am now in a grey area to how long they were together for and what happened, but I personally don't think they were together long the dog would of come through into the house by the bitch opening the back door, (Lil' Tw@t) and I believe that it was him running up and down the stairs to get to me. Well I think so anyways.


Now this is the issue I am now having, do I need to make sure that I get to the vets and get the issue sorted, I have just before checked out their body language together in a fully supervised role, and the dog is keen as mustard, the bitch would either bollick him or allow him to mount but with tail in between her legs and the dog was clearly getting nowhere,then the bitch went and lied down and no interest was shown. Everything points to a NO, time of season, the bitch's body language, 1 dog running up and down the stairs.


So through reading through the net for advice it leads me to belive that there is lil' chance of her being pregnant, but I just need to comfirm this or I am off to the vets to get the issue sorted, but if the chance is extremely low I do not want to be giving robbing vets for a treatment which isn't needed.



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Its a bit of a dilema but imho if the bitch is not ready to be mated their is no risk of her being mated especially if shes still showing heavily wich i would think would be highly unlikely she has accepted the dog.atb dell

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If you are on the ball with dates on the bitches season i dont think you have anything to worry about though exstra care now must be needed as the dog knows wat awaits him if he gets the chance as all the spaniel bitches i have had have all been slappers [bANNED TEXT] in season and can be worse than the dog [bANNED TEXT] it comes to be mated.Lads who have only bred lurchers have been suprised [bANNED TEXT] they have seen how easey it is to breed two springers.atvb dell

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sorry guys beg to differ ma bitch gave birth twice before she should of done vet saw both litters soon as they were born and confirmed that they were not early (size and weight) in her opinion. so that left the obvious the little git had nobbed her either before she started bleeding or when she'd just started :blink: and there was us thinking it was ok till she came towards the end :clapper:


But this is by no means the norm as the vet explained many dogs and bitches are left together and seperated at the advised time don't end up in litters. I'm just an unfortunate cuunt :laugh:

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My bitch will catch at various points in her season pretty much from day one so we premate test to avoid problems keep my dog crated from day one (not the bitch as the dog can mount the crate and still mate her, shes a sod because if another bitch is in season it brings her in. Not worth the risk jolly to the vets if your worried.

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  On 29/06/2010 at 14:01, rickyspringer said:

tried them again, not a chance she is letting him get near her so I don't think there has been any tie, well I pray there hasn't... Mushroom I hope I am not unlucky like you, going to try them later just to make sure.


ma dog was seperated from the bitch as soon as we thought she wa starting somehow we don't know how but she ended up, up the duff :wallbash::clapper: :clapper:

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  On 29/06/2010 at 17:41, rickyspringer said:

mushroom thats baffling mate, f*****g hope it doesn't happen to me, can't be arsed with a house full of pups, missus is enough...she's more bother than the kids and the crazy dogs. :wallbash:


I can think of other words besides baffling :clapper: :clapper: we kept a pup so wasn't all bad :thumbs:

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