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Pellet prices

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i look at it this way £10-£15 for a tin of pellets is on the costly side yes but i would be well out of pocket if i was paying for dog food and ferret food


my pellets pay for them self over and over and keep the freezer full and the dogs and ferrets happy so i cant moan about the price and i always get asked for rabbits i charge £2 a piece so if you cant shoot 5 rabbits with 500 pellets i think you might be doing the wrong sport :whistling:


alt farmer

:hmm: That's a fair point you got there but im talking principle as much as any thing else. The same guy got a whole batch of bad AA fields in not to long back, nearly all the skirts where damaged and the pellets went everywhere. I went and got him to open 3 tins from stright under the counter and they where all the same but he didnt send them back for a new batch! This shop also sells fishing takle and he does a lot of carping. Now if all the carping lad where complaining about korda hooks being bent or blunt id like to bet he'd send them back for a new batch as carping is very popular round here and hes the only fishing takle shop for miles. If i have to pay top wack for my goods i want a top service and after sales but this is not the case!!

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Every time I go into our local gun shop I look at the prices and expect to be anally raped!!!


I thought you lived in Cambridgeshire?


Sound like you live in Hull with a statement like that :laugh:



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Every time I go into our local gun shop I look at the prices and expect to be anally raped!!!


I thought you lived in Cambridgeshire?


Sound like you live in Hull with a statement like that :laugh:





Yep Cambs it is lol

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i am quite new to this but use weblet mosquito express pellets and i bought a tin last year at the game fair and the price is still on the tin it cost £8.50 this year bought another tin at the same stall and it cost £9.45 or we could call it £9.50 as still waiting on my 5p change.

ps has any body used these pellets and how do you rate them it is in .177 cal

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Def being ripped off as Phantom says the price of lead has dropped but we will never benifit from it!

Prices of pellets and cartridges are a complete joke!!!


Some of us must remember the potato 'shortage' many moons ago?

6 pence worth of chips was a huge bag prior to that then they got 'rationed'!

Once the shortage was over chips were still a tanner but the portions stayed at ration sizes!


We are a country of fec##ig mugs!



mas you must be well old :feck:

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ps has any body used these pellets and how do you rate them it is in .177 cal


I've not used them, but a friend of mine has when he did his Safe & Sucessful Airgunning DVD's.

Not sure if it was an Endorsement for Webley, but he used them in the DVD to bloody good effect :notworthy: :notworthy:

They grouped well in the rifle that he was using, and the bunnies, woodies, squizzers and maggies all went down never to get up again :gunsmilie:




Edited by Phantom
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