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Sodding Anti's UP Yours What a Prick

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I arrived at my paddock permission this evening and droped my gear on the deck, loaded my baby and then began a stalk of the side that is fenced off from Bunnyland.

As I got towards Mrs G's back garden, I noticed three people walking up the footbrige over the A63.

they stopped and watched me, I had gut a feeling about this as the kid and his mother continued up the bridge, the bloke seemed to have a bit of a face on and his body language (and I can read body language from a mile off according to one of my previous boss's) was very 'confrontational' as I neared Mrs G's field at the side of her property I spied a bunny in the field and raised my gun to my shoulder although it was still pointing down.

all of a sudden, this guy on the bridge starts yelling, jumping up and down waving his arms and growling like a dog with its dick trapped in a car door.

Of course Bunnies give it legs don't they?

Well I wasn't expecting that and I burst out laughing at this dumb ass son of a bitch and I looked at him and shook my head thinking 'You sad git' :laugh:


All of a sudden he begins yelling at me :icon_eek:

"Have you got a license to be doing that in there?" of course I don't have a fecking license, I don't need one :no: do I :hmm:


Thinking this ignorANUS (no thats not a typo :laugh: ) means 'Permission' I reply "Yes Sir I have, would you like to see it?"

I reached for my right leg pocket in the DPM and pulled out the 1st laminated piece of paper, which just happens to be the wrong one :doh: The correct one is at home, so its a case of call his bluff.

I turned round to my left pointed the gun at the floor and discharged it into the sandy soil. I then made my way towards the fence next to the bridge.

I again asked him if he would like to come on down and inspect my documentation, but he stayed put and shouted "I will call the police and have them come down just to make sure you have a license"


My reply was "Okay Sir, Feel free to do so, but please let them know that the guy with the gun is the pest controller from the cemetery, that way they will know who your on about and wont waste their resources sending the Armed Response and Helicopter out this time okay?"

His response was "You work for the Parish Council?"

My reply was "I am a pest controller, for this land, Mrs G's next door, Mrs A's over at Pool Bank and I also control the rabbits at the cemetery, for the Church Parish Council to try to minimise the huge amount of damage they have caused there!"

He said "Mrs G's Employing someone to shoot rabbits on her land?"

"No Sir, I do it voluntarily for her, as you can see from up there, she has no back garden left now because the rabbits have destroyed almost every inch of her lawn"

I then said "Dont forget to tell the Police its Tony from the cemetery; Oh and bye the way, I really do understand your perception of us shooters, but despite what the media say, were not all a bunch of loons that will go on the rampage killing anyone we meet"

He then told me (get this) "Its not that I'm worried about; I just don't agree with what your doing"

I asked if he eats meat his reply was "Yes" :duh:

I didn't have the will to take it further and I think he realized he had just contradicted himself big time and made himself look a bit stupid in front of his wife and kid :clapper: as he ran off up the bridge to join them.


I made my way back picked up my slip and bag with the water bottle in it and climed through the fence into the cemetery.

I dumped my slip and bag next to the big old tree as I did so a youngish bunny came running up towards me and stopped only about 5 or 6 meters away from me.

I wound down the magnification to about 6 so I could get a clear sight image through the scope. I remembered this time to give it two mildots hold over and CRACK the 16grain FX went cleanly in one side and out the other, bunny rolled over and waved good night :toast:

Now whats special about a shot like that? a newbie may ask.

Well at that range its important to remember that you need to put your crosshair higher than the target as you have to take into account that your barrel is lower than your scope and its all too easy to forget this then either miss completely or wound the quarry.


One down :D



I wandered over to the tall headstone that I have been using just lately to shoot from and I didn't have too long to wait until my next flower munching, lawn destroying, cemetery burrowing monster arrived. It took me by suprise as it had come into my peripheral vision from behind me.

No chance of me getting this one I thought to myself, I have to turn and being in a hurry to get out, I had left my bag with my head camo (hat mask etc...) at home.

I slowly turned around and it stopped and looked directly at me. It was about 10 mtrs from me directly in my secondary zero as I turned the gun around and shouldered it I must have hit the lamp switch or something because bug's hit the nearest warren entrance at breakneck speed :doh:

All was not lost though over towards the hedge, I could see a young adult hopping towards the direction of the warren entrance the last one had used to make good its escape.

I moved around to the side of the headstone and lined up my crosshair and at the same time stood on some dry grass :doh: bugs hopped a little faster comming to a stop about 25 mtrs away, but I could not get a clear headshot.

His body was behind a bush, his head was sheltered by a 4 inch thick slab of marble/granite headstone.

I didn't want to click my tongue as they know now this sound means danger and they tend to vanish quickly, so I had no choice but to go for a spinal shot.

Steadied the gun on the apex of the headstone, I went through my slow breathing cycle twice and on the end of the second round, I let the shot go. A dull but satisfying CRACK along with the instantainious sideways falling movement told me that I had done my part correctly and the gun and pellet had done exactly what was required of them and removed a section of the spinal colum between the head and shoulders.

I walked over to find one dead rabbit, its muscles frozen with one leg in the air perfect just how I imagined it would be.



As I got back to where my gun lay, I noticed a maked police van heading down to Common Lane, I just knew it was going to turn left :yes: They never turn left, ever as its a dead end!


I left my baby on the floor and made my way to the gates as the van slowed down and I could see one of the occupants looking over towards me.

I expected them to stop and chat, and I was suprised to see them turn the van around, wave at me and off they went at a leisurely speed back the way they had come.

Obviously Mr P.Lonker from earlier had indeed made the call he had promissed and the police had responded as I expected they would :thumbs:


I hung around for another hour or three but didn't get another shot off at all as the flies and mozzies were really peeing me off, so I went home to watch the Prequel to the Exorcist. Great film :thumbs:


Right guy's got a lot on today and as its 03:40, I must try and get some kip, G'night all :bye:



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Makes you wonder doesnt it. When you said the guy was jumping about hollering and waving to scare the rabbits, reminded me of another similar tale I read on here once where some guy was shooting pigeons or something and a bloke did exactly the same thing, only the guys waving and hollering actually caused the birds to fly directly over the shooter and the shooter managed to shoot a load of them much to the anti`s anger!


Made me laugh tho!

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hi ya tony

what a great write up matey its the whether for the anti's going on there long walks and shout over fields at people who are shooting the lovely fluff bunnies and killing them dead :thumbs: and the best thing to come out of it tony is the smile on your face while proving him wrong making him look a tw-t in front of the wife and kid and then shooting the rabbit just after great pictures buddy great shooting and fantastic write up too



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I arrived at my paddock permission this evening and droped my gear on the deck, loaded my baby and then began a stalk of the side that is fenced off from Bunnyland.

As I got towards Mrs G's back garden, I noticed three people walking up the footbrige over the A63.

they stopped and watched me, I had gut a feeling about this as the kid and his mother continued up the bridge, the bloke seemed to have a bit of a face on and his body language (and I can read body language from a mile off according to one of my previous boss's) was very 'confrontational' as I neared Mrs G's field at the side of her property I spied a bunny in the field and raised my gun to my shoulder although it was still pointing down.

all of a sudden, this guy on the bridge starts yelling, jumping up and down waving his arms and growling like a dog with its dick trapped in a car door.

Of course Bunnies give it legs don't they?

Well I wasn't expecting that and I burst out laughing at this dumb ass son of a bitch and I looked at him and shook my head thinking 'You sad git' :laugh:


All of a sudden he begins yelling at me :icon_eek:

"Have you got a license to be doing that in there?" of course I don't have a fecking license, I don't need one :no: do I :hmm:


Thinking this ignorANUS (no thats not a typo :laugh: ) means 'Permission' I reply "Yes Sir I have, would you like to see it?"

I reached for my right leg pocket in the DPM and pulled out the 1st laminated piece of paper, which just happens to be the wrong one :doh: The correct one is at home, so its a case of call his bluff.

I turned round to my left pointed the gun at the floor and discharged it into the sandy soil. I then made my way towards the fence next to the bridge.

I again asked him if he would like to come on down and inspect my documentation, but he stayed put and shouted "I will call the police and have them come down just to make sure you have a license"


My reply was "Okay Sir, Feel free to do so, but please let them know that the guy with the gun is the pest controller from the cemetery, that way they will know who your on about and wont waste their resources sending the Armed Response and Helicopter out this time okay?"

His response was "You work for the Parish Council?"

My reply was "I am a pest controller, for this land, Mrs G's next door, Mrs A's over at Pool Bank and I also control the rabbits at the cemetery, for the Church Parish Council to try to minimise the huge amount of damage they have caused there!"

He said "Mrs G's Employing someone to shoot rabbits on her land?"

"No Sir, I do it voluntarily for her, as you can see from up there, she has no back garden left now because the rabbits have destroyed almost every inch of her lawn"

I then said "Dont forget to tell the Police its Tony from the cemetery; Oh and bye the way, I really do understand your perception of us shooters, but despite what the media say, were not all a bunch of loons that will go on the rampage killing anyone we meet"

He then told me (get this) "Its not that I'm worried about; I just don't agree with what your doing"

I asked if he eats meat his reply was "Yes" :duh:

I didn't have the will to take it further and I think he realized he had just contradicted himself big time and made himself look a bit stupid in front of his wife and kid :clapper: as he ran off up the bridge to join them.


I made my way back picked up my slip and bag with the water bottle in it and climed through the fence into the cemetery.

I dumped my slip and bag next to the big old tree as I did so a youngish bunny came running up towards me and stopped only about 5 or 6 meters away from me.

I wound down the magnification to about 6 so I could get a clear sight image through the scope. I remembered this time to give it two mildots hold over and CRACK the 16grain FX went cleanly in one side and out the other, bunny rolled over and waved good night :toast:

Now whats special about a shot like that? a newbie may ask.

Well at that range its important to remember that you need to put your crosshair higher than the target as you have to take into account that your barrel is lower than your scope and its all too easy to forget this then either miss completely or wound the quarry.


One down :D



I wandered over to the tall headstone that I have been using just lately to shoot from and I didn't have too long to wait until my next flower munching, lawn destroying, cemetery burrowing monster arrived. It took me by suprise as it had come into my peripheral vision from behind me.

No chance of me getting this one I thought to myself, I have to turn and being in a hurry to get out, I had left my bag with my head camo (hat mask etc...) at home.

I slowly turned around and it stopped and looked directly at me. It was about 10 mtrs from me directly in my secondary zero as I turned the gun around and shouldered it I must have hit the lamp switch or something because bug's hit the nearest warren entrance at breakneck speed :doh:

All was not lost though over towards the hedge, I could see a young adult hopping towards the direction of the warren entrance the last one had used to make good its escape.

I moved around to the side of the headstone and lined up my crosshair and at the same time stood on some dry grass :doh: bugs hopped a little faster comming to a stop about 25 mtrs away, but I could not get a clear headshot.

His body was behind a bush, his head was sheltered by a 4 inch thick slab of marble/granite headstone.

I didn't want to click my tongue as they know now this sound means danger and they tend to vanish quickly, so I had no choice but to go for a spinal shot.

Steadied the gun on the apex of the headstone, I went through my slow breathing cycle twice and on the end of the second round, I let the shot go. A dull but satisfying CRACK along with the instantainious sideways falling movement told me that I had done my part correctly and the gun and pellet had done exactly what was required of them and removed a section of the spinal colum between the head and shoulders.

I walked over to find one dead rabbit, its muscles frozen with one leg in the air perfect just how I imagined it would be.



As I got back to where my gun lay, I noticed a maked police van heading down to Common Lane, I just knew it was going to turn left :yes: They never turn left, ever as its a dead end!


I left my baby on the floor and made my way to the gates as the van slowed down and I could see one of the occupants looking over towards me.

I expected them to stop and chat, and I was suprised to see them turn the van around, wave at me and off they went at a leisurely speed back the way they had come.

Obviously Mr P.Lonker from earlier had indeed made the call he had promissed and the police had responded as I expected they would :thumbs:


I hung around for another hour or three but didn't get another shot off at all as the flies and mozzies were really peeing me off, so I went home to watch the Prequel to the Exorcist. Great film :thumbs:


Right guy's got a lot on today and as its 03:40, I must try and get some kip, G'night all :bye:



because of idiots like that that i cant take my son out shooting. that and the 7 year fire arms ban.

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I took 3 of my dogs at the local dog agility training on sunday and a woman there who is a farmers wife went a bit funny when i told her that maggie was used for ferreting rabbits and that bob was used for beating and picking up,She obviously didnt agree with hunting by the sounds of her sighs and "oh dears" but i never took her on as there were other people in the group who were interested in what i had to say in a positive sense.


why do people do this for fucks sake its none of their business!! funnily enough her lab pup which is a real beauty is from working lines and is a real little grafter.....it would look good carrying a dead pheasent.

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hi tony

a great read :thumbs: pics :thumbs:

and some nice hold under shots there buddy :thumbs:


as for the twat! well there every where!


well done buddy

i enjoyed that have a slut point on me!!





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