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been browsing the interent for my first quickset for ferreting and possibly night time. Was thinking of getting a 50yrd 6z and a 25yrd in same bag.. what do you think?? Jbs and netloft are £120 and £125.. jusr wondering who had experience with each company??



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been browsing the interent for my first quickset for ferreting and possibly night time. Was thinking of getting a 50yrd 6z and a 25yrd in same bag.. what do you think?? Jbs and netloft are £120 and £125.. jusr wondering who had experience with each company??



I'd be more inclined to go for Agouti nets :thumbs: Netloft the owner has had health problems of late, seen some appalling example of nets from JBS others may disagree

If your going for rabbits my advice would be 4Z over the 6Z :thumbs: everytime

Y.I.S Leeview

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Good choice of nets mate, very versatile choice as time goes by and you gain more experience you MIGHT want to down size to 4z but stick with 6z to start, they will work extremely well . Sorry can't help with either jbs or netloft but to the best of my knowledge they are both genuine blokes



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No if's and's or but's if you want to catch rabbits, it has to be 4z every time. :victory:


As to who to buy them off? Thats up to you but just make sure that you get 100% slack in the net. Ask them how many meshes are in the net a 100% slack net will have 90 meshes to 5 yards of net @ 4" mesh.



Edited by tiercel
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Net material type,mesh size and working length is a very personal choice,there are a lot of contributing factors to consider when it comes to purchasing the right net FOR YOU, i always favour the very best type available and this generally means handmade.....i also favour hemp, unfortunatly due to the quality of what is now described as hemp (flax-sissal)ive recently started using the spun poly from agouti nets. Considering your looking for a machine made,commercial net id advise purchasing from one of the more established suppliers such as master hunter/brinded nets/magnum trap company ect...i have used 4z nylon in the past and its true that they catch well,trouble is they catch EVERYTHING....branches,twigs,leaf litter.....for me and the areas i work in, there more trouble than there worth... so considering were at the height of the show season id reccomend keeping your hard earned cash in your pocket for the time being,get yourself down to the local game fair and try out a few diffrent nets for yourself,all the manufacturers will be there and im sure theyll be only to pleased to show you there wares and help you to find what you consider to be the perfect net......atb

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Thank you for all your replies, all very good and useful.. im defo going to go for 50yr and a 25yrd. and go 6z as i dont want all the twigs etc that you get in the 4z. Am going for 100% bagging too. Im hopefully going to the CLA gamefair, well im going to go for sure now as want a net.. All the big names should be there and i can then see what im buying first.



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Thank you for all your replies, all very good and useful.. im defo going to go for 50yr and a 25yrd. and go 6z as i dont want all the twigs etc that you get in the 4z. Am going for 100% bagging too. Im hopefully going to the CLA gamefair, well im going to go for sure now as want a net.. All the big names should be there and i can then see what im buying first.




That is your choice. Personally after over 20 years of long netting I think you are makeing a mistake.


All nets pick up twigs and leaves, some more than others, but the ones that pick up the most leaves and twigs also catch the most rabbits. Wait till you see the rabbits bouncing off the 6z, because the twine does not cling to the rabbit as it is too stiff.


I would rather spend a little extra time cleaning a 4z that has caught most of the rabbits that have hit it. Than cleaning a 6z where the majority the rabbits have bounced off the net.



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Thank you for all your replies, all very good and useful.. im defo going to go for 50yr and a 25yrd. and go 6z as i dont want all the twigs etc that you get in the 4z. Am going for 100% bagging too. Im hopefully going to the CLA gamefair, well im going to go for sure now as want a net.. All the big names should be there and i can then see what im buying first.




That is your choice. Personally after over 20 years of long netting I think you are makeing a mistake.


All nets pick up twigs and leaves, some more than others, but the ones that pick up the most leaves and twigs also catch the most rabbits. Wait till you see the rabbits bouncing off the 6z, because the twine does not cling to the rabbit as it is too stiff.


I would rather spend a little extra time cleaning a 4z that has caught most of the rabbits that have hit it. Than cleaning a 6z where the majority the rabbits have bounced off the net.



Oh so true :thumbs:

Y.I.S Leeview

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have had my 6z 50yrd longnet of jbs for a year or so now and its still intact ,i do though find alot of rabbits bounce of it as there isnt enough kill or depth in the net as i found out last night as i collected only two taggled rabbits from mine and i saw over 10 or so hit the net.Though twiggs can be gathered out of the net very easily.So a 4z for me next ... good luck with what ever you choose .


good hunting



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I have had my 6z 50yrd longnet of jbs for a year or so now and its still intact ,i do though find alot of rabbits bounce of it as there isnt enough kill or depth in the net as i found out last night as i collected only two taggled rabbits from mine and i saw over 10 or so hit the net.Though twiggs can be gathered out of the net very easily.So a 4z for me next ... good luck with what ever you choose .


good hunting



even a 4z net without enough running kill or bagging whatever you want to call it, will have rabbits bouncing off it you need 100% bagging i would put that down to a poorly designed net

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