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pellets jammed in barrel

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Had the same problem with the same gun S200 which belonged to the farmer whos land I shoot on.

His jams were due to him loading pellets in the magazine the wrong way round!:wallbash:

It also wasnt indexing correctly!

I carefull removed the magazine assembly and pushed the pellets back to the breech.

Gun was then reassembled and the magazine sorted for indexing.

Its ok now and shoots well!

Great little gun and the power is easy to adjust!

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Not so easy to do now on the MKIII's Anti-tamper and all that!


Unless you have a chronograph, I wouldn't bother trying to adjust the power Fox Hunter :nono:

Its way to easy to do and just the slightest slip and your gun becomes an FAC job :yes:


Regarding the jammed pellets, a wooden dowl from the muzzle to either push or tap the pellets back to the breech or if you want to go down the route of removing the barrel, its not hard to do, but easier to push them back as you will have to remove your scope before taking the barrel out.



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