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shotgun cert

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hi just wondered if anybody could help i am thinking of applying for my shot gun cert but i sometimes suffer with deppression which i take medication for what do you think my chances are


Impossible to say. It all depends on the report that your doc gives them. Might be worth approaching the BASC firearms team, and possibly your doc too, to see what he has to say. I don't know what individual firearms teams have as criteria, but I don't think legally they can just say "you've suffered from depression so you can't have a shotgun" it's got to be assessed on a case by case basis.


Good luck fella. The FEO's are there to help you out, so find out who your local one is and have a chat!

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Could be a tough one. I think it will really depend upon how bad your depression was and the type of medication you are on. I think your doctor would need to give a report so the FEO can make a risk based judgement.


If its just mild depression then you may be okay, but if its severe depression or you had a breakdown then it may be seen as high risk.

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It might also be worth giving BASC a call and getting their advice before you put the forms in.


There are hundred of thousands of people in this country that shoot and statistically one in four people have depression so there must be lots of shooters who suffer from depression.


Hope it all goes well.




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