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ratting tonight

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went out tonight to a local farm after speaking to the farmer lastnight and him telling me he had a few rats in the grain store, not many but ideal for starting archie the 6 month old russell pup on, the grain is stored 7-8 foot deep and the rats only escape is past us, the walls cant be climbed so its ideal.


we entered the building and hit the lights bit dissapointing as there was only 2 rats on the grain so i held back the older dog and let archie go for them, he was straight on it and caught it with style, the rat got a good hold on his cheek and was biting him hard but he never let out a squeek and finished ratty off.


the next rat was huddling in a corner hoping we werent seeing it, it was wrong, i pointed to it for archie and again he caught it with ease and dispacthed it quickly.


no more rats here so we went in the tool shed and lifted the old bags to see if anyting was there but nothing, then tara marked under a large grass mower so we poked about it with a stick and out ratty shot, it had a good 15 foot start on her but she gave chase along the large shed foor and had it nailed by 40 foot away, cracking course weaving through all the tractors and debris.


finished up with three but was made up archie took his 2 with ease and was a natural.



heres some pics of the nights sport.

archie catching his first




getting a bit of stick




tara lending a set of teeth




job done




meaning business




2nd one in the bag




getting bitten again




a wee scratch




archie,s 2





great craic!!

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millet after reading your posts the other day about baiting up places i intend to try that, i had honestly never thought about trying that method but it seems a good way to go, ill be trying it over the next few weeks :signthankspin:


big bald and beaytifull he had killed it by the time the other dog was released, with hindsight i should have left him to it, but i panicked a bit seeing him get bitten :rolleyes: you still think of them as wee ones and should have let him have his time with it, but i slipped him on the second rat alone just to guage how it effected him, and he didnt mess about this time and promply chomped the rat to bits.


girlfreind isnt so impressed with the bloody shots though! <_<

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