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my air rifle power is shocking

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didnt want to sound off with you fella :thumbs: and glad you didnt take it that way :victory: but i know it can be frustrating being out and not shooting owt :thumbdown: try the advice given and if you can go out with some markers to your permission and pace out the area's where you shoot then put in a stick or another marker :thumbs: then you know how far away things are :boogie:

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yep you need to know the SP on POA which works in conjunction with the POI , after that i would say join the BNP and buy an RPG to PTS any RTA's you have in the area. be careful as you dont want the FBI to make you DOA unless you live in GB

BTW you might want to CHK with your FEO that your not over the LMT and if you are i wouldnt do any DIY work yourself but let a PRO.




rt HON



joking aside...


marksman's post on how to zero keeps it very simple , start from there and dont forget your breathing :)

Edited by chimp
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what is a sp?

If youre referring to Marksmans post asking where his sp was, its slut point. The regulars on this section of the forum call it that, its actually reputation. If you think someone has said something informative or whatever you can press the + near the little box at the bottom right hand side of their post. Their reputation then goes up by x1.


SP could also be shot placement :thumbs:



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yep you need to know the SP on POA which works in conjunction with the POI , after that i would say join the BNP and buy an RPG to PTS any RTA's you have in the area. be careful as you dont want the FBI to make you DOA unless you live in GB

BTW you might want to CHK with your FEO that your not over the LMT and if you are i wouldnt do any DIY work yourself but let a PRO.




rt HON



joking aside...


marksman's post on how to zero keeps it very simple , start from there and dont forget your breathing :)




Cheers. IMO

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marksman's pretty much spot on as far as i can see!

great advise for a beginer............. start there then when your happy you can do all what he has sugested consistantly get back on here and the guys will take you to the next step!


regards P


sp for marksman

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All good advice here. I think most people when first starting off have the same problem. I certainly found the same thing. In the back yard i could get pellet on pellet at 35 yards. But out in the field I couldnt hit a barn door. It was only when I started pacing out distances in the field I realised what I thought was 35 yards turned out to be more like 50 yards! Its all about practise really and getting to know your land.


Good luck!!!

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Yer i ant been doing it too long


you've answered your own question there mate....


Lets start from the very basics.... I'm not teaching you to suck eggs and might seem a little long winded, but just want to establish at what point you are at with your shooting


1. Have you zeroed your rifle, if so at what range e.g when you aim at a target does the pellet land (POI) where you put the crosshair (POA)


2. If not, get yourself a target....a simple piece of A4 with a cross drawn on it is sufficient....


The way I do it.....


Start at 10M, aim for the centre of the cross (POA) and fire 3 shots at it, they all should land more or less in the same area... make a note of where the pellets are landing (POI)and adjust the scope turrets as necessary e.g if you have a scope with 1/4" adjustments and you are 1" high and 1" to the left you will need to adjust the scope turrets 4 clicks down and 4 clicks to the right.

Fire another 3 shots still aiming for the centre of the target until the group is hitting where you are aiming (POA)

Now that you have established zero at 10M move out to 25/30M and adjust the POI again as necessary until you are happy that the POA meets the POI


Once you have zeroed it can you consistently hit a 5-10 shot group within an inch or 2.5cm at your desired zero range?? e.g Draw round a milk bottle top and land all shots inside the circle, the tighter the better! DO NOT THINK ABOUT SHOOTING AT ANY LIVING CREATURE UNLESS YOU CAN DO THIS!!


4. Move back/forward in 5M increments taking shots and making a note both mental (and physical if desired) of where the POI differs from the norm this will aid you in taking longer/closer shots than your zero range, if using a mildot reticle make a note of the mildots. eg if you are at 40M and you aim for centre target count the dots down to where the POI is, this will tell you how high you need to aim to achieve the correct POI.


5. Rangefinding....


Not everything you are going to aim/shoot at will be at your zero range (unless you are static shooting) so you will need to get used to some sort of rangefinding, whether it be guesstimation (using a known distance and multiplying it to guess the range) or a rangefinder, as with all things practice makes you better(not perfect!!)


Now that you have established that..... KEEP PRACTICING!!


Then and only then are you elligible to go for live quarry!




been shooting my whole life and never knew alot of that lol, that pain in my head must be me learning something. nice one mate

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