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hi ya lads

well it's a sh-t one i know and i might have to sell up :wallbash::censored:

and huge house bill came in on saturday and the wife never told me until i got up this morning :wallbash: not happy but what can i do hey been trying to sort it out all morning but nothing so i have had to put my scorpion T10 177 up for sale so if anyone is interested in a top class reg'd bsa scorpion T10 177 please pm asap :thumbs: she is in the for sale section now and with a few other bits i have sold i should be able to cover it with her going as well i am trying to hold onto my s510 as i dont want her to go but one of them has to go :wallbash::thumbdown::censored::(

so this need tos to be quick and painless but i will still be on here and if i get to keep the s510 then i will be out soon with her lads

sorry to bore you all



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hi ya andy

it's proper sh-t aint it she has just sold now on the other forum just going to wrap her up now and get her ready to send off in the morning hope you dont need to go that far andy pal and things work out for ya buddy



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Glad you got a result, Shay, just a shame you had to sell.....


I've sold all kinds of stuff this past few weeks to try to get things sorted and was really hopeing it wouldn't come to selling some of my guns.


I've just taken some pics this morning with a view to putting them up next week. My 410c, gas-rammed Lightning and Tracker will be going. Keeping my HW90 though, I'll never sell that.



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same boat a few year ago had to sell my jukebox and record collection hit the loft ,garden shed ,and garage lads load up your car and hit the car boot or ebay i make a living out of selling on car boots , flea markets and ebay these days and it can be a good quick earner ...i`ve replaced my jukebox now for a better one :thumbs:

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hi lads!

im sorry to here this!

i know how you guys feel, i had about £1500.00 of worth of camera gear a few years back,

cannon T70, 1990 recession.sold the lot for £200.00 to put food on the table as im self employed!


so at least this time i can go and shoot dinner :thumbs::laugh:


but at least you have your priority's right!!!! :thumbs:





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hi shay sorry to hear about that mate,things will turn round mate..alot of people are in the same boat bud,me to,but mannaged to get a job now witch helps...but on the downside i get to tyed to go shooting now..anyway like i said it sorts its self in the end mate.....


sym :thumbs:

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Thats sad news Shay! I feel for you bigtime pal :cry: . I have been there many times and moved birds on and just about everything else of any value just to make ends meet, I was even tempted to put the wife on the streets but didn't expect to make much there :D....


Hope it all comes good for you in the end shay! Its a horrible position to be in but trust me many of us have had to do the same on a good few occasions........





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hi ya lads

thank you all for the kind words and smiles now i have sold everything up rimmy's and shotties to :wallbash::censored:

but now i am out of the big bill that hit us hard from now i will keep an eye on the bills that come in :thumbs: and manage them the way they should be but hey i still have the s510 and me new bag i got a bit back so thats good all i would be going off my head by now and like you said davy pal i can shoot dinner now lol but again thank you lads for all the kind words and support that you have shown me in a time of need


SO A BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU :thumbs::notworthy:



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