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springer problem

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hello, I have a 11 month old springer bitch and with out fail she will shite in the back of my pick up how can i stop this? when i clean out my kennels in the morning at at night i talk all my dogs a walk and they all have a shite but no matter how long i wait she wont go untill she's back in her kennel or in the back of the pick up. she will go out side when I have her out for the day with me. any ideas?


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The problem you now have mate is that the bad behaviour has now become a habit, which you obviously have to break, I would not allow the dog in question into the pick up until she does her business, you need to take her out on her own before evening exercise, I know it sounds long winded but wait with her until she does her business be that 40mins or 4, each time she does it lots of fuss as if you would do with a pup, and then load into the pick up with the other dogs, you will want this to become her new habit which will get quicker and quicker.


Hopefully that makes sense, routine is the key to success mate :thumbs:

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Train your dog to do it's business on command, that's what I did , it works a treat. How! you might ask , well take the dog out when you know it should need to go and watch it closely, you can tell when they start going through the preliminaries, when it starts looking like it's about to go start repeating the command, I say look sharp, till its doing it , then praise while it's still in full flow. When it's finished give it a good fuss, do this for awhile, it will soon get the hang of it. Mine will try and go again strait after if I give the command, it's great last thing at night or for car journeys. Mike.

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thanks guys i'll give it ago but do you not think if i wait and wat for her to go then put her back will she not think every time she go's she go's back in her kennel and will just put it off as long as she can?

Not if you make a big fuss of her first, she will associate dumping with the fuss not the kennel, give her a minute before you but her back. Mike

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