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Ferreting a golf course

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hi has anyone got any tips for ferreting a golf course like dealing with the players and just genral tips thanks :clapper::signthankspin:


It doesnt matter how you try and take into acount the fact that not all people will like what you do,someone will always try and give you a hard time about it. i work a golf course for moles and it can be a pain when people interfere with either the traps of slag me for what im doing. The best advise i can offer is carry the writen permission with you (a copy is best as ive had people snatch it from my hand and tear it up) show it to who ever and most importantly keep your cool. if you can do it on a wk day,less players about.

all the best


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[f. But obviously you guys are not in the position to do that .


As i do this for a living i have to be a bit more held back in my responce,saying that sometimes it can be a bit hard to hold my lip :censored:

best way is not to rise to there anger

Edited by mole catcher
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Golfers see the golf course as a extension of there garden and think they own it iv'e been asked loads of times why you got a spade on the course i reply to dig a few worms for the fishing .But the best one was last week the greenkeepers came up in there wee buggy and said we knew you were out golfers flagged us down and said two guy in cammo gear are digging up the trees .Iv'e done lots of things but digging up thirty foot popular trees was never one of them

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not had permission on a golf course but i do several stables including one thats a big livery establishment, where the owner rents stables and grazing to loads of horse owners, i have similar things when the owners of the horses see me...however they understand better the damage that the rabbits do and when i say the owners name and explain he has allowed me on and that reducing the rabbits reduces the chances of their horse breaking a leg in a rabbit hole...i have never had any problems......


i would have thought most golfers would be pro rabbit control as they must surely understand that the rabbits will ruin their lovely greens etc....I know they are very against anyone damaging their greens etc..


failing an explanation working, do as frank said carry a gun :11:

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Green keepers

Head greenkeepers

Greens convener


in that order but theres a captain in there somewhere but they only get elected for a year .But once your in if you make a good job you should be in with the bricks .

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I do some public places for the local countryside rangers, and

do come across some who dont like me doing what I'm doing.


I tend to try to explaine that as we are ferreting, its actually

sustainerbal, and if we werent, then the only other option

is to gass the rabbits, this tends to shut up most antis.



In general though, we have far more people interessted, and

in general supportive of what we are doing, which is quite nice.


Main thing is to keep your cool, and if you have a raving looney, just

walk away and get on with your business.

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