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General Allotment and Growing Help

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Hey Guys and Girls,


Well I have many things to ask which I hope you can contribute some of your knowledge to help :) first of all I'm new to this site I've been reading many posts in the shooting and growing your own sections as I do a little of both. The last couple of days I've been looking about for a allotment I'm hoping one of a nice size as I would like to grow many fruits and a variety of fruit trees aswell as vegetables, problem is I've tried 5 local where I live not to far from me at all as I don't have a vehicle and they all have waiting lists of about 18+ people on them :( .


1) Can anyone help me with trying to find a allotment with free or less waiting time for a allotment, I live at RM3 ??? That's harold hill I'm willing to travel roughly 5 miles but must be able to get there via push bike.

2) Also anyone know of cheap shops on internet for good cheap deals on the following seeds, pots, trays and general plant growing equipment, I've seen a post on here of a ebay shop for seeds which is very nice prices and I've also seen a ebay seller that's sells 100x 9 cm deep pots for £5-£6 pounds is this a good deal?

3)Just general tips on how to get started on finding allotment of a nice size and how to get started and what fruit would I be able to sow in the next few weeks/monthes



Much Appreciated


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Hey Guys and Girls,


Well I have many things to ask which I hope you can contribute some of your knowledge to help :) first of all I'm new to this site I've been reading many posts in the shooting and growing your own sections as I do a little of both. The last couple of days I've been looking about for a allotment I'm hoping one of a nice size as I would like to grow many fruits and a variety of fruit trees aswell as vegetables, problem is I've tried 5 local where I live not to far from me at all as I don't have a vehicle and they all have waiting lists of about 18+ people on them :( .


1) Can anyone help me with trying to find a allotment with free or less waiting time for a allotment, I live at RM3 ??? That's harold hill I'm willing to travel roughly 5 miles but must be able to get there via push bike.

2) Also anyone know of cheap shops on internet for good cheap deals on the following seeds, pots, trays and general plant growing equipment, I've seen a post on here of a ebay shop for seeds which is very nice prices and I've also seen a ebay seller that's sells 100x 9 cm deep pots for £5-£6 pounds is this a good deal?

3)Just general tips on how to get started on finding allotment of a nice size and how to get started and what fruit would I be able to sow in the next few weeks/monthes



Much Appreciated


i dont know where rm3 is mate but i know it aint near me but if you pm me your address il send you some seeds to get you started foc :thumbs:

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Hello Craigy,


Thx for the response ive now found after a bit of research and some help of other people 2 sites 1 for seeds and 1 for pots and trays and stuff but real good for your money :D so i now hvae no problem with that hopefully


Im from Harold Hill, Romford, Essex RM3 ??? ..... Only problem is atm all allotments ive found are like i said waiting list of 18 people or more, i dont know if there are private ones about and available or if i see overgrown plots of land how do i find out if the council own and if they do if they would let it out to me to grow things?


I really want a allotment i have a greenhouse i can start things off with for the mean time but will only be a matter of time before i would need some land to plant what i sow in them, also one of the allotments said they were the size 32 feet by 32 feet or something like that. In my eyes thats tiny or am i wrong?





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Hi Ben good post mate :thumbs:

32ft square will do for a start you could always look for more land later.

Its late in the season now for planting so all you could do this year is probably clear it and get it ready for an early start next season.

Before you start parting with cash for pots Ben get down your local recycling centre the lads there should get you as much pots trays etc as you will need they dont charge at ours for stuff like that.

Dont buy there compost though its real low grade atb .

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Heya blacktabs,


Thx for the heads up on the recycleing centre ill give that a go :D i like free bee's haha ... And i know i could always upgrade to a bigger size but i wanted to get my cherry, apple, plum trees planted soon as and that size i don;t think will be big enough for my trees plus plants for other fruits such as strawberries, rhubarb and that





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At the moment everything has come to a halt


im on the list for 5 different allotments a couple have 10 waiting and rest have 18+ waiting, tried speaking to my neighbour as hes on one of the councils there to see if he coudl pull some strings but nothing either

im now considering looking about for private land or private allotments any suggestions?




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Ben mate get youself down to your local lotty ask if you can help out or maybe share a plot a lot of asociations will let folks that show they can grow jump the que on the waiting list.

Its actually written in as law on ours though how they tell on sight wether youd be a good grower or not i dont know but i just got to know the lads and helped an old boy with his plot was only on the list three mths.

A lot of folks take plots on and get to find out its not that easy :wallbash: we had four on ours this year and only one of them has stuck it out so keep ringng them up :thumbs:

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Yer one guy said he knocked 11 people of the waiting list since january due to people letting there space get overgrown, so I'm. Going to keep ringing him up but like I said in mean time I'm going to organise the green house so I can use as much of the space in there as I can and see where I get :D I'm also atm waiting for my tax rebate to come through then I can buy myself a nice little precharged multishot air rifle :D

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why not try the Land share idea, either through Hugh's river cottage shceme or just by looking for people with big gardens they can look after properly, try older people, they'll appreciate someone keeping the place tidy and the company too.


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Got a call yesterday from one of the six allotments i put my name down on and soonas he said Hi this Ben its john from HW allotments i was thinking SWEET! and he was only phoning to say im now 10th on the list i was thinking god damn you! that wasn't necessary lol. So i think end of this week i will be phoning him back up and see if anyone would like a hand with there plot or something just so i can go see what there like and hopefully meet them all and see how many slackers there are :D

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hello insy,me and my brother run our local livestock and growing allotments,I started in 1979 with my first chickens and greenhouse and I have watched a lot of folk come and go over the years,we have a waiting list of 38 and probably only free up 1 or 2 a year,its dead mans boots round here,all you can do is keep hasselling them with phone calls and have a walk round the site,if you see a plot thats overgrown speak to the secretary of that site and ask him or her whats going on with it,they can serve a dirty plot notice to clean it up,use it or vacate, basically its a 28 day notice period,if its not brought up to scratch in time then they are served with another 28 days to remove any personal property,etc,after that its let to a new tenant,so you see it can be a long process to get rid of people.Lots of sites like ours are like a club,on our's we have terrier and lurchermen,shooting lads and some good stockmen,its like a little community in itself and can be hard to get accepted untill they know your a decent lad,we all help out each other and quite often in the winter nothing gets done except drinking tea and having a laugh round the logburner in my big shed,good luck with your quest and be persistant,atb,wirralman

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Yer im still sticking around for one :D im on 5-6 lists like i said many have 18 people on but 2 have about 10 on them he said wait till august thats when they take the annual payments and then theyll know if people will be renewing or maybe the plot will be taken and given to a new tenant


thx for the advice and yer as im young they might think im trouble but im actually not so maybe it will take a fair bit longer to convince them :D

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