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Nice afternoon with Fern

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Fern's been in season and hasnt been far so it was time to have a walk round the dale to stretch her legs.


Few Pics

She was very keen as normal, and covered the ground very fast




I had to steady her when the whole flock of Geese ran down the bankside in front of her







Finally i shot something :whistling:




Quick breather before sending her out again






Fern getting into cover






nice Jackdaw retrieve








She worked her heart out, its just a pity there wasnt much about, but a nice afternoon.




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Cheers Ricky mate, she has turned out fine for me, i like to keep her real close when hunting, mainly because of my bad shooting :whistling: but i also hunt alot of thick woodland and a close dog is needed, the only down side i am finding of this is she can be a bit reluctant to go for the longer retrieves and i have to push her out with the whistle before she will range that far, but you can not have it always i supose.

As for her breeding she is out of the Shadowbrae dog Cardykeas A fast stylish Tialing dog and her Dam is Stockiemuir Primrose, Keepers dog and sucsessful Trialing dog in her own right, as is Ferns sister which the Keeper kept, but for me the real reason for choosing her were both parents are hard hunters which at least gave me a fighting chance.




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Thanks lads, she is a real athletic type of Lab, which i love.

She has excellent staminar which is good because she is mainly used for hunting up and she dosnt get many retreives because of my bad shooting at the minuet :doh:




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