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Mans best friend.

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We've all heard the saying mans best friend is his dog and up to a year ago I didn't pay much attention to the saying.

My 2 year old terrier used to be the pet I brought out in the field. Now though ,as both me and her have learned how to work the fields she really has become like a friend to me.

Where ever I go I always know that she is there right at my heel ready to do some work. She waits at the hall door for me everyday after school just hoping that maybe now we can go out shooting and if she spots the gun coming out of it's back she jumps with excitement. Maybe it's just me or does anyone else feel that their dog really is a true friend?




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oh yea mate they never judge you always there for you and i wouldnt be without a dog in my life.look after them and show them respect and they will do anything for you,or die trying.


mate once pointed out something to me and i never actually thought about it before then.whats "dog" spelt backwards ;)

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The one absolutely unselfish friend that

a man can have in this selfish world,

the one that never deserts him,

the one that never proves ungrateful

or treacherous, is his dog.


A man's dog stands by him in prosperity

and in poverty,

in health and in sickness.

He will sleep on the cold ground where

the wintery winds blow,

and the snow drives fiercely,

if only he may be near his master's

side. He will kiss the hand that has no

food to offer, he will lick the sores

and wounds that come in encounter with

the roughness of the world. He guards

the sleep of his Pauper master as if he

were a prince.


When all other friends desert,

he remains.

When riches take wings and reputation

falls to pieces, he is as constant in

his love as the sun in it's journey

through the heavens.

If misfortune drives the master forth

an outcast in the world, friendless

and homeless, the faithful dog asks

no higher privilege than that of

accompanying him to guard against

danger, to fight against his enemies.


And when the last scene of all comes,

and death takes the master in it's

embrace, and his body is laid away in

the cold ground, no matter if all other

friends pursue their way, there by the

graveside will the noble dog be found,

his head between his paws, his eyes sad,

but open in alert watchfulness,

faithful and true, even in death.



-From a speech given by

Former Senator George Graham Vest

of Missouri. Delivered in 1870 when he

was acting as a lawyer in a suit against

a man who had killed the dog of his

client. -- He won the case.

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My friend is loyal and eager to please

I'd sit in my chair, his head on my knees

I'd stroke his back and pat him on the side

The things he would do filled my heart with pride

He watched my house and my family too

He was always there to look over you

Never my house did I have to lock

A bark and a growl at the very first knock


Unconditional love is what he gave to me

From the look in his eye it was all you could see

Sometimes I'd yell "be quiet, lay down"

He'd lay in the corner and not make a sound

As he grew old and couldn't get around

I forgot how he'd greet me with a leap and a bound


Soon came the time he could no longer stand on his own

I picked him up and carried him to see God's home

On the way there I remembered all the good years

I looked at my friend through all of my tears


I told him I loved him

Soon the pain would be gone

I did the hardest thing

I ever have done


I went the last mile

I was there to the end

I know now why they called him

"Man's Best Friend"



Edited by scothunter
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Very good poems mate they all some it up lovely. I love spending time my dog as there never seems to be a dull moment with her.




My old lurcher bitch is 15 or 16 yr old as we speak.and there signs of her time may be comming.be sad day for me i can tell you!

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I got my first dog at 16. A springer spaniel off great working lines.


I trained her myself and she was born a natural. Very switched on, bags of stamina, very inteligent and stylish - a right wee world beater(had trialling boys offering me daft money for her, and I knocked them all back).


After her second season she contracted lymes disease from a tick on the moors and despite ALOT of very hard earned cash in vet bills she has never been right since.

She has gone downhill again badly in the last month (sometimes goes downhill after coming into season).


I am seriously considering getting her PTS for her own welfare reasons.


The wee bitch I regard as a friend and working companion. She goes with me everywhere, and it is a decision that is really going to break my heart, which I am not embarrased to admit.


When I am at work,college,week away or just a drive she is there.


It always happens to the good dogs.



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Nice one scothunter, i like this one.


The Power of the Dog


Rudyard Kipling


There is sorrow enough in the natural way

From men and women to fill our day;

And when we are certain of sorrow in store,

Why do we always arrange for more?

Brothers and sisters, I bid you beware

Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.


Buy a pup and your money will buy

Love unflinching that cannot lie--

Perfect passsion and worship fed

By a kick in the ribs or a pat on the head.

Nevertheless it is hardly fair

To risk your heart to a dog to tear.


When the fourteen years which Nature permits

Are closing in asthma, or tumour, or fits,

And the vet's unspoken prescription runs

To lethal chambers or loaded guns,

Then you will find--it's your own affair--

But ... you've given your heart to a dog to tear.


When the body that lived at your single will,

With its whimper of welcome, is stilled (how still!)

When the spirit that answered your every mood

Is gone--wherever it goes--for good,

You will discover how much you care,

And will give your heart to a dog to tear.


We've sorrow enough in the natural way,

When it comes to burying Christian clay.

Our loves are not given, but only lent,

At compound interest of cent per cent.

Though it is not always the case, I believe,

That the longer we've kept 'em, the more do we grieve:

For, when debts are payable, right or wrong,

A short-term loan is as bad as a long--

So why in--Heaven (before we are there)

Should we give our hearts to a dog to tear?

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good one aswell dosser.hey old jimmy stewart in that vid was fighting hard not to cry at the finish.that poem he wrote himself about his own dog.im the same FTB im not ashamed to admit ill shed a tear for my old bitch.i know everyone says this about their own dog but i couldnt have asked for a better dog.never gave me a bit of trouble in her whole life.

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"We are alone,absolutley alone on this chance planet:


and, amid all the forms of life that surround us, not one, excepting the dog, has made an alliance with us".


- Maurice Maeterlinck




..... And after a few years on this planet, nothing makes me more happy in the world of working dogs than a good youngster with a good dog..... Thanks for this post Shotgunny :thumbs:

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