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SGS do some of those arrows pass right through and what kind of wound channel does that leave I would guess that the animals bleed out heavily and quickly what ft-lbs would an arrow generate in comparison to a rifle?


Great question DanW - I will do a bit of reshearch and maybe followup with a post - I can say this I have harvested 4 Elk (like a red stag) with archery tackle and three were complete pass through and the last one the arrow penetrated through but remained in the animal....I have lost count of the deer I have taken and almost all have been complete pass through... I have never lost an animal that I have shot with archery tackle.....

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One last thing before I have to start getting ready for work...   Recovery .... you learn by looking at the color and sometimes the odor of the blood what kind of hit you made . Pink, frothy blood

This sort of reply is just what makes you the forums biggest div.   Anyone who criticizes your post in even the slightest way you get all upset like a homosexual who's lost their favourite Butt plug

Is sitting in a high seat waiting for deer not hunting then?

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SGS ,,

























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my fav tune on bagpipes is amazing grace very stirring.any way without this turning into an argument could someone explain to me about bow hunting as i know little about it. so wahts the practise is there someone like a ghillie or someone with a rifle for the shots that clearly didnt kill the animal?surely arrows are expensive and half the ones in that vid ran off with the arrow sticking in them.


Firearms are not permitted during archery seasons......:gunsmilie:


All the animals in this video where all killed with one arrow and harvested for the meat and or the hide....8)


There is new legislation (law making) in the works that will ban all Scotsman from asking daft questions about bowhunting but it doe's allow Scotsman to be trained by professional archery instructors.......:icon_eek:


The American Archery Association has proclaimed the Welsh unsuitable for archery hunting as their concentration is affected by their preoccupied affinity to sheep and rams...:clapper:




You need to check your history , Welsh Longbow men fought alongside (and quite often with) the English for hundreds of years , there was almost as many Welsh Archers as English ones at Agincourt. and as you probably know a British Longbow had a genuine pull of well over 150lbs unlike the compound bows used for hunting today.


By the way Dropkick Murphys Rock!!!! :clapper:

Edited by Blacksheep
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why are you lot so quick to call people antis and in leaugue with the rspca.the lion vid i saw on here was appaling thats my opinion.this bow hunting vid isnt for me either.that dont make me any anti and if anyone wants to come and call me that to my face pm me and ill arrange a meet.


there some on here with their bullshit macho attitude that all hunting and killing of anim,als should be praised cause we are in the sport. nonsence we all have opinions and thats what makes debates interestiung and can sway your point of view.i was taught to dispatch an animal that you hunt as quickly and as painslessy as possible.regardless of the species.i know lads that treat rats with respect and i hate those f*****g things.i wouldnt hunt with a bow cause it doesnt interest me really.and after watching that vid of animals running off with arrows sticking out them certainly wouldnt want me to take it up.maybe i just have more respect for my quarry than most.does that make me an animal rights c**t.no f**k sake i worked as a killer in a slaughter house for a few year lol


and SGS if what you say is true about you not losing an animal in all your years of bow hunting then respect to you.but is that common in bow hunting?guess there are good and bad hunters in methods right enough.maybe im just old fashioned and to commpassionate in my old age lol

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my fav tune on bagpipes is amazing grace very stirring.any way without this turning into an argument could someone explain to me about bow hunting as i know little about it. so wahts the practise is there someone like a ghillie or someone with a rifle for the shots that clearly didnt kill the animal?surely arrows are expensive and half the ones in that vid ran off with the arrow sticking in them.


Firearms are not permitted during archery seasons......:gunsmilie:


All the animals in this video where all killed with one arrow and harvested for the meat and or the hide....8)


There is new legislation (law making) in the works that will ban all Scotsman from asking daft questions about bowhunting but it doe's allow Scotsman to be trained by professional archery instructors.......:icon_eek:


The American Archery Association has proclaimed the Welsh unsuitable for archery hunting as their concentration is affected by their preoccupied affinity to sheep and rams...:clapper:




You need to check your history , Welsh Longbow men fought alongside (and quite often with) the English for hundreds of years , there was almost as many Welsh Archers as English ones at Agincourt. and as you probably know a British Longbow had a genuine pull of well over 150lbs unlike the compound bows used for hunting today.


By the way Dropkick Murphys Rock!!!! :clapper:


Yes my good man my european ancestors were norwiegen/norman .... I have two longbows and I used to shoot/hunt traditional style only....Middle age and a hand injury has me on the dark side using the high tech gear... The welsh were famous archers :notworthy: I was only joking around.... I do find it amusing that you were offended by the archery tease and just let the sheep/ram remark fall by the wayside ..... :icon_eek:


The welsh probably invented the first longbows!


In the hands of the English the bow had become, in the form of the longbow, the most deadly and formidable weapon of its time. Every English boy was trained to use it and was taught to bring every muscle of his body to bear upon it ... The result was that arrows were discharged with great rapidity and accuracy and with such strength that they were effective in the matter of penetration at astonishingly long range."


J.W.Fortescue, Military History



The bow is made of a strip of flexible material, such as wood, with a cord linking the two ends of the strip to form a tension from which is propelled the arrow; the arrow is a straight shaft with a sharp point on one end and usually with feathers attached to the other end.


The use of the bow and arrow for hunting and for war dates back to the Paleolithic period in Africa, Asia, and Europe. It was widely used in ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Persia, the Americas, and Europe until the introduction of gunpowder.

Arrowheads were first made of burnt wood, then stone or bone, and then metals. Various woods and bones were used for the bow itself. However, it was not a powerful weapon until the invention of the compound, or composite, bow around 1500 B.C. on the steppes of Central Asia. A composite bow is made of various materials (wood, horn, sinew) glued together so as to increase their natural strength and elasticity. Bows and arrows were among the dominant weapons used by Assyrian chariots, Parthian cavalry, Mongol horsemen, and English longbowmen. At other times they have been used more as auxiliary weapons for massed infantry or cavalry.


The crossbow, although known in Roman times, was not widely used in Europe until the Middle Ages. In China, however, where it developed at the same time, the crossbow revolutionized warfare. A crossbow is a bow set on a stock. It fires missiles propelled by mechanical energy and released by a trigger. It could be more powerful than the ordinary bow and could fire arrows, darts, or stones. It was, however, slower to fire than the longbow and almost as difficult to wield; even the arbalest, a later crossbow, was clumsy and slow. By the end of the 13th cent. use of the crossbow had declined.



In the late 13th century, a new weapon came on the scene, the longbow. Originally from southern Wales, where records of elm bows record its use around 1150. The first battle where it was widely used was the battle of Falkirk in 1298. It was quickly adopted across England as the weapon of choice, and dominated the battlefield until the middle of the sixteenth century. The longbow was regarded as such an important weapon, that at some battles longbowmen formed as much as 85 percent of the fighting force.


The best longbows were made of yew. The staves were cut in winter when no sap was running, from the junction of the inner heartwood and the outer sapwood. The staves were seasoned and worked on gradually over a period of three to four years. Today only six longbows survive, none from the "golden age" and sources do not agree on the dimensions. Most give the length as about 70in. with a drawing pull of 75-100lbs. The arrows were between 27-36in. long. A trained archer could shoot 12 arrows a minute, but some sources say that the most skilled archers could fire twice this number. The arrow could wound at 250 yards, kill at 100 yards and penetrate armor at 60 yards.



At the battle of Crécy (1346) English longbowmen, firing from fixed positions, proved far more efficient than Genoese crossbowmen fighting for the French. The longbow, which was in use in Wales in the 12th cent. became prominent in the Welsh Wars of Edward I in the late 13th cent. For the rest of that century, the English emphasized skill with the longbow; it was inexpensive, mobile, and easily adapted to a peasant army.


At the battle of Agincourt, sources estimate that there were about 5,000 English archers. At a rate of fire of 8 arrows a minute, 40,000 arrows could be loosed each minute! The battle began with dense flights of arrows from the English archers. The heavily armoured French knights replied with a charge, but their horses sank into the muddy ground and their immobility made them an admirable target for their opponents. The battle was decided within about the first half-hour. After the battle, observers wrote that the white feathers from the flights were so thick on the ground, it looked like snow.


Only in England did the longbow survive the introduction of gunpowder; it was superseded gradually by firearms. It was a powerful weapon, but it took great strength to pull and years of practice to master. The training adopted by the English was rigorous. All sports were banned on Sundays and men between 12 and 65 were expected to practice their archery. Every man with an income of over £2 a year was required to own a bow.


The Chinese also developed a longbow, which proved much less effective than the English variety. The Asian bow, designed for use on horseback, was shorter and lighter than the English longbow and could be more rapidly fired. The Chinese later developed the repeating crossbow, an ingenious weapon that proved ineffective against repeating rifles in the First Sino-Japanese War.


Since bows and arrows are relatively easy to make and can produce a rapid rate of fire, they were used in warfare long after gunpowder was introduced, for primitive firearms required much time to load, were hard to manufacture, and often failed. In Japan and North America archery was very important culturally as well as militarily.






Crecy 1346 : Triumph of the Longbow - 96 pages (July 2000)

The Battle of Crecy was the first major land battle of the Hundred Years war. It pitted the French army, then considered the best in Europe, and their miscellaneous allies against the English under King Edward III and the 'Black Prince', who as yet had no great military reputation. The Genoese crossbowmen were outshot by the English longbows and the charges of the French were forced back with appalling losses.


Agincourt - by Christopher Hibbert, 176 pages 1st cooper edition (May 2000)

The Battle of Agincourt, 25 October 1415 fought between an English army, under Henry V, and a much larger French force, resulting in a decisive English victory, which opened the way for an English conquest of virtually all France.


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This is why I think your a prick....I asked how many don't bleed out and don't get found and finished :feck: wasn't having a go at it at all but as always your little man complex kicks in again.Whenever somebody says something you don't like you retort with childish remarks that we're bunny huggers :laugh: :laugh:

Unlike you SGS I don't need firearms to act as a prick extension I'm plenty man enough..... :bye:


it was clearly you trying to drag archery hunting/hunters down though,

saying its not real hunting and suggesting they dont get tracked and finished off,

it is you my friend being the childish one

Not really hunting as such was it though!More like target practice most of them were shot underneath a feeding station,not many were dropped instantly I know a lot run and bleed out but how many dont get tracked and finished.......just wondering



Above is my post yes i said its not really hunting......not to me!Where am i suggesting that they don't get tracked and finished off,I asked how many......not dragging archery down,its just maybe I've the same attitude towards them as a lot of them have towards dog boys.Now why don't you stop being SGS's sychophantic lap dog and read posts tidy :thumbs:

Edited by johnny boy68
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Not really hunting as such was it though!More like target practice most of them were shot underneath a feeding station,not many were dropped instantly I know a lot run and bleed out but how many dont get tracked and finished.......just wondering


Go volunteer for the RSPCA I am sure you will fit right in and have a happy time.......


This sort of reply is just what makes you the forums biggest div.


Anyone who criticizes your post in even the slightest way you get all upset like a homosexual who's lost their favourite Butt plug.


Get a f*cking grip of yourself you silly old pr!ck.

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err..maybe when you asked how many get left to bleed out without being finished off,as if most do

I know a lot run and bleed out but how many dont get tracked and finished.......just wondering


Thats my exact words!!Like i said was just wondering how many "if any" dont get tracked for whatever the reason could be and theres a lot of reasons.....the animal could run onto ground you've no permission on etc

Why do people misconstrue what people say.......then come out with stupid remarks like your an anti

Did anybody tell me if any did :no: you and SGS came out with RSPCA lover and sheep shagger.........so "my friend" who's the childish one :bye:

Edited by johnny boy68
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err..maybe when you asked how many get left to bleed out without being finished off,as if most do

I know a lot run and bleed out but how many dont get tracked and finished.......just wondering


Thats my exact words!!Like i said was just wondering how many "if any" dont get tracked for whatever the reason could be and theres a lot of reasons.....the animal could run onto ground you've no permission on etc

Why do people misconstrue what people say.......then come out with stupid remarks like your an anti

Did anybody tell me if any did :no: you and SGS came out with RSPCA lover and sheep shagger.........so "my friend" who's the childish one :bye:


Blan didn't call you a sheep shagger .... Get your facts straight man or you will always be back peddeling and crying about it ! :cray::rofl::rofl: .......

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Not really hunting as such was it though!More like target practice most of them were shot underneath a feeding station,not many were dropped instantly I know a lot run and bleed out but how many dont get tracked and finished.......just wondering


Go volunteer for the RSPCA I am sure you will fit right in and have a happy time.......


This sort of reply is just what makes you the forums biggest div.


Anyone who criticizes your post in even the slightest way you get all upset like a homosexual who's lost their favourite Butt plug.


Get a f*cking grip of yourself you silly old pr!ck.


Actually I am middle aged.... And I thought I had a grip on me self this morning and then I woke up and discovered it was the TV remote...


.:icon_eek: Where you tampered with as a child?

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i never insinuated you were an anti/rspca/sheep lover etc etc

its just annoying the amount of people here who are only 'for' their own type of hunting

every time sgs posts anything about different hunting than we uk'ers are used to the thread gets jumped on by closed minded people

by your own admission you said he was a wind up merchant.most of his threads are there to get a reaction.were not really jumping on them as you put it.its a forum we are all entitled to our opinions.we should have jumped on your thread the other day about down syndromes taking over a town :whistling:

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err..maybe when you asked how many get left to bleed out without being finished off,as if most do

I know a lot run and bleed out but how many dont get tracked and finished.......just wondering


Thats my exact words!!Like i said was just wondering how many "if any" dont get tracked for whatever the reason could be and theres a lot of reasons.....the animal could run onto ground you've no permission on etc

Why do people misconstrue what people say.......then come out with stupid remarks like your an anti

Did anybody tell me if any did :no: you and SGS came out with RSPCA lover and sheep shagger.........so "my friend" who's the childish one :bye:


Your question apply's just as much to deer stalking in the UK as it does in that video the same situation arise's when animals are shot by rifle many deer run after the shot and it is up to the hunter to be able to track an animal that is shot be it by bow or rifle I would imagine that some are lost despite the best efforts to find the animal.

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Blan this is why we jump all over SGS's threads......I asked a question what did I get as an answer!?Anti,RSPCA and sheep shagger......we can all get personal!But whats the point its not the school-yard is it but if thats what floats his boat let him carry on,and if you feel the need to jump on his bollocks band-wagon then crack on fella :thumbs:

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This is why I think your a prick....I asked how many don't bleed out and don't get found and finished :feck: wasn't having a go at it at all but as always your little man complex kicks in again.Whenever somebody says something you don't like you retort with childish remarks that we're bunny huggers :laugh: :laugh:

Unlike you SGS I don't need firearms to act as a prick extension I'm plenty man enough..... :bye:


it was clearly you trying to drag archery hunting/hunters down though,

saying its not real hunting and suggesting they dont get tracked and finished off,

it is you my friend being the childish one

Not really hunting as such was it though!More like target practice most of them were shot underneath a feeding station,not many were dropped instantly I know a lot run and bleed out but how many dont get tracked and finished.......just wondering



Above is my post yes i said its not really hunting......not to me!Where am i suggesting that they don't get tracked and finished off,I asked how many......not dragging archery down,its just maybe I've the same attitude towards them as a lot of them have towards dog boys.Now why don't you stop being SGS's sychophantic lap dog and read posts tidy :thumbs:



Great word usage dude! ;):laugh:

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