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hy breeder, i have a few russel type terriers from same lines around me. i have bred from that particular bitch. it was the agreement [bANNED TEXT] he took her on. he kept the litter bar 1, i took a bitch, he sold the rest, thanks 4 ur intrest, wat types do u work. atb

had lakies for 35 years but 8years ago got some borders from Levi and ray walkers lines got a few pups to try this season

sorry mate ray walker was an arshole. but his terriers wer ok, did u remember the border simmy. sum animal. atb

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as long as you no she works mate thats all that matters.

Nice dogs them mate, i like to see em with a bit of leg on em. my two are getting on now but still a laugh a minute and always up for chase and rag.

crackers them mate

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hy breeder, i have a few russel type terriers from same lines around me. i have bred from that particular bitch. it was the agreement [bANNED TEXT] he took her on. he kept the litter bar 1, i took a bitch, he sold the rest, thanks 4 ur intrest, wat types do u work. atb

had lakies for 35 years but 8years ago got some borders from Levi and ray walkers lines got a few pups to try this season

sorry mate ray walker was an arshole. but his terriers wer ok, did u remember the border simmy. sum animal. atb

yes the stuff i got go back to simmy love him or hate him he had some very good terriers dug with him a few times good man to dig with would dig allday and more

Edited by The Breeder
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above ground from 6 months below from ten, he proberly has 800, i dont keep count, but when i go away for a weekend and am catching on average 5-20 foxesa dn 2-3 a week and half are directly from him you figure it out, iv never once lost a fox because he comes out of holes dont know how you came up with that, in fact iv got more because undiggable foxes have the chance to bolt to the staghounds, feel free not to belive me i know what i catch and have nothing to gian from lying, if your jealouse that i catch more foxes in a weekend then you do in a year keep it to your self, just remember one thing i live in australia we have more foxes then poeple alot more land and alot less hunters i knwo blokes hitting 600-700 a year i can oput up alot more photos up if you like but i remeber last time a pom argude this with me and i did that, he had the nerve to say i picked them up from the side of the road and you seem as ignorant as him, no wonder aussies dont like this site


Ive just had my uncle back over visiting from OZ and from what he said i well believe you.




Edited by webby
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not much to look at but at 10 inches tall and 9-10lbs she is the right size for groundhogs here in the us.





I really like these small russells,hard to breed small dogs with that kind of conformation,maybe a bit light small for heavy duty work but ive seen these sized dogs come in very handy at times.Any idea of the breeding?

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