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Well....... Here she is......

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Well....what can I say.....


Here's what a few people on here have been waiting for.... My Custom BSA S10 tweaked by A & M Custom Gunsmiths.....


I've had the following done.....


FULL Service + blueprint

Fully customised trigger

Barrel exchange for carbine barrel and threaded to 1/2" UNF

Power set to 11.7ftlbs using Bisley Magnums

Custom silencer using Twink MkII Internals


and I also bought a customised stock but that came from elsewhere.......


Here she is.....






and the custom Twink MkII Silencer....customised to fit my S10 with the carbine barrel




IM trying to upload a vid but youtube aint having it..... I'll edit the post once it's up!





Got her back, fitted her into her new stock and off I went to get her zeroed.....

Something which didnt exactly go to plan.....You'd think I was using a shotgun, after about 5-6 mags not 1 shot was in place!! After a call to Adi at A & M and explaining the problem he was all set for me to send the rifle back and he was going to order a new barrel from BSA and have it fitted. He couldnt do enough to help!


On my return home I unscrewed the buddy bottle to refill it from the dive tank and noticed it was hissing.....hmmmm I thought....not a good sign so I emptied the buddy bottle and gave it a quick blast with the dive bottle to reseat the valve.....all good!!

This got me thinking...... so I filled the buddy bottle to it's 232 bar max, no hissing...good sign and set off back down to the woods to see if it made any difference. I called Adi on the way and he said it could be a possibility that low air would create the erratic firing


Fingers crossed I set about the zeroing process.....


WOOHOO!!....I'd cracked it!!

All 10 shots withing a 5p piece!!

Damn stupid valve!!

I phoned Adi back to tell him the good news and that I was over the moon with it!



So....That was it zeroed, I'd spoken to Davy and said it would be rude not to have a look around the field again as the buggers were running all over when I went home the first time.

No sooner had I got round the corner there was a lone kit just sitting in the sun asking for it as there was nothing else about.....it was bang on the 30M zero too..... slowly down to the kneeling position, crosshairs lined up and "pfffft"...... WHACK!!!

Bowled it straight over with a perfect headshot....


where it fell... (rifle in for good measure!) :gunsmilie:




The brain shot....





A bit further up the field there was a 1/2 grown stretched out behind a clump of thistles, all I could see was the head, estimated range was about 35M so 1/2 mil holdover and down it went not even a twitch. I paced it out from where I took the shot and at an estimated 1M pace it was 38 paces, well pleased!




Time for home after that..... Roll on the weekend!!!


A massive thanks again to Adi at A & M Custom Gunsmiths a FULL recommendation from me for both services rendered and the customer care given throughout the whole process :notworthy:






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You got yer baby back :gunsmilie:


Nice shooting there buddy :D


Is that stock camo'ed by Paddy? looks similar to his work :yes:


I love the position of your remote switch, gonna have to move mine now :doh:




ps PM indound

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hi darryl

it looks fantastic :thumbs::thumbs:

after we spoke on the phone,it got me tinking as well about the air. as we had the same problem with andyz rifle a couple of weeks ago,so i will tell him to fill up next time were out! :thumbs:


nice read and write up and pics :thumbs: have a sp on me,im pleased your pleased!





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cheers folks...... used photobucket for the video to show how quiet the silencer is.....


I had the phone within 2 ft of the end of the silencer as you can see, and quiet just isnt the word for it......


See what you all think.... click on the image....





Edited by Marksman
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hi ya darryl

well matey you got her back then

and she is looking great buddy what a difference it makes hey darryl and i bet you cant wait till the weekend matey ive only just got back in from the golf course so just going to put a post up now but fantastic gun now darryl and great shooting too buddy




and its gary's birthday at the weekend then i thought you stopped after 50 ? :clapper::clapper::tongue2::thumbs:

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Hi Darryl mate,


She looks awesome buddy and like a real bunny killer.


Im so glad that you got it sorted by Adi mate. Hes pure quality.


Mine is getting taken there too 3 July for her transformation.


Best wishes Si

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