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sayin good post is not licking arse good luck homing the dogs the lads was just trying too say think it over but you got your mind made up

not worht going to jail for? sorry mate why ge dogsin first place then, you have got both dogs knowing the ban was in place?

look arsehole u dont no what youe talking about .the police have just recently clamped down on us here so it was fine up untin they come to your door about the dogs so shut your smart arse mouth.and folk on here that no me will tell u it must be bad if im getting rid of my dogs as iv had them more than half my life so go and f**k yourself



am sorry, but you are talking madness, if you have had dogs half your life surly by now who would no the crack around dogs and the risk involved with them, its all part of a dog mans life, i dont give a shit i would not be getting rid of my dogs for any knock on the door, inocent untill proved guilty, say nthing comes of what is going on, which in most cases it doesnt you have just got rid of 2 dogs uve put time into, id ride it out before doing anythin :thumbs:

i no what your saying mate but its not madness atall your dog cant fart round here now without some arsehole sticking you into the police .its a hard choice mate but my kids and life are more important to me than a scabby nights lamping or a run at a hare if you stayed here you would maybee understand .and its not like im trying to rip someone off by saying give me 200 for this dog and 300 for this dog is it . im an honist guy who likes his dogs but [bANNED TEXT] now i got more in my life to think about than two lurchers mate and if people cant understand that then thats thare problem

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Guest fence_hopper

make sure he dont end up with a wanker mate if i could i would mate but i'm looking after his brother and have planned a pup for my self a while now.

sire and dam




top honco x rillington lines

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Bri I fully understand what your saying mate, your family and home life comes first, IMO you have your priorities right. But how about not giving in to them and holding on to your dogs as pets until the heat settles down. You don't have to get out there hunting with them, just treat them as pets for the next few months, its out of season anyways.


I know that I would rather treat my dogs as pets then pass them onto someone else who says they will be grafted but will they??


Its a risk you take mate, and you know what decision to make, and its a very hard one at that, think long and hard mate, but imo the pet option would be better than some prick having my pride and joy, and then somebody else after them and so on.... just don't give ammo to the law :thumbs:



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Guest DogFaceKillah

make sure he dont end up with a wanker mate if i could i would mate but i'm looking after his brother and have planned a pup for my self a while now.

sire and dam




top honco x rillington lines


hopper were is that gryhound now?

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Guest fence_hopper

dam looks well someone will get a good pup to start 4 the season :thumbs:



dont do shite me mate alot of hard work went into breeding that pup from a my old tested grey bitch. someone will be laughing there socks of with that dog, i just hope no peddler gets there hands on him. coz he's going to be quality

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