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got out shooting tonight

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hi ya folks

well i manage to go to the golf course tonight to see how it was after a very long weekend :icon_eek: and thought i would take my 2 girls the aa s510 177 and the scorpion T10 177 as the problem i have been having is the :censored: rabbits run out behind me and by the time i turn around no matter how camo'd i am they are off like whippets so i got my self set up and ready to go as it was red hot here today i though they will be out in the shade loving it up and no i was sodding wrong nothing not a rabbit anywhere :wallbash: so that was it for me now off again on the move in the open watching over some rabbit runs so again i got myself all comfy and set up with the s510 one side and the T10 the other and ready to roll some bunny's over :clapper::gunsmilie: well i had a nice little zero with both guns and in the s510 i was using the bisley mags very nive tight groups and i thought as the T10 aint pellet fussy i thought i would try the logun penertrators in her :hmm: no change in zero at all but poo in my s510 real crap so with the pellets of choice sorted i heard something move in the trees behind me :hmm: Mr's squizzer is out i will have you so i got the T10 and went into the trees and there she was sitting looking at me think you aint got no chance buddy hummm really i thought and the next thing she is lying by my feet with me taking a picture these loguns are making a impact and a heavy one at that :yes::thumbs::clapper: so as i was taking the picture there was a Mr squizzer :thumbs: so i took a nice aim at him but no i couldnt take the to many branches around him the little sod knew it to i think as he wouldnt move but then i had a good 45degree angle on him to the side of his neck now i have you MR i took aim and then he was have a picture taken with the T10 lol as i went back to the s510 on the green there was a little kit sat there without a care in the world until me 510 let her know that i was about one bisley mag and picture taken yay the second kit got up and looked right at me and as she did the s510 hammered the eye straight through to the brain not even a twitch or a wave goodbye nothing then as i was just wiping down the s510 and pretty biggish 3/4 came into sight as i was going to cock the s510 she looked ove at me so i didnt want to spook her i picked the T10 up and took the shot thats it another dead rabbit and no goodbye wave either these loguns are looking good in the T10 well as i broke my rangefinder the other day i was guessing that the rabbits were taken around the 30+ mtrs and the squizzers were up the tree and they are big trees lol i hope you enjoy the write up and pictures IMG_1086.jpgIMG_1087.jpgIMG_1077.jpgIMG_1079.jpgIMG_1082.jpgIMG_1085.jpgIMG_1091.jpgIMG_1094.jpg





Edited by venomviper
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hi ya davy

i pressed the tab button and it kicked me off :wallbash: lol all done now matey

with pictures :thumbs:



cracking post buddy :thumbs: have a SP

i like the way you have used the bag as cover! and i could not get on with the bisley magums.have you tried the AAfield plus? be carefull though as they took my rifle over,but all sorted now!





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:thumbs:nice shooting shay,great write up bud,pics look good so do your rifles mate and them gun bags are great,sorry to hear about your range finder shay can you fix it or is it another one to buy bud.SP awared.... :thumbs:



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hi ya davy

thank you buddy and that bag comes in handy lol when your lying down on a hill it covers you and it works as that was what i had between me and that munty on the vid and i havent tried the AAF plus i will give them ago im just off to nottingham in a minute so i will pick some up while i am out buddy :thumbs:

thanks davy for the comments




hi ya sym

cheers buddy buddy i am glad i got the T10 home again as she showed her true colours last night :thumbs:

and the rangefinder i have sent it back to see if it can be fixed but the bloke said i might as well get a new one for what they cost :wallbash:




gary me old pal

you sure did buddy and as you can see i take her out most night and speand the weekend in with her lol :clapper::thumbs:

but she did good last night but the QD stud came out on her last night the bipod one that my sling is attached to while i was carrying her luckly i hold the gun to but the butt just slightly tapped the floor my heart sank so i will have to epoxy the QD stud in the hole and hope that holds it in there :thumbs:



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hi ya chris

cheers matey i am out again tonight yay :thumbs: i will try and get some vids going lol


hi ya joey

hope all is well matey i am trying lol just got back from A/E as i stood up under a unit on a job amd a screw found its way into my head hummm buggers killing me right little hole as well i felt like shooting the rat twice just as it had pi--ed me off lol




and thanks for the SP's lads

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Hey Shay :gunsmilie:


That was a fast and furious read buddy 8)


SPA from me as well :clapper:



hi ya tony

cheers tony pal, and i got 5 of them SP points on here today yay :clapper: out again tonight :clapper: i am loving this hot whether buddy i have a right tan going on at them minute someone asked today if i had been away :no: just in the office lol :whistling: and hope all is well buddy ?

and might take the cam to try and get some footage on that and you watch there wont be a bunny anywhere lol :wallbash:



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hi ya buddy

:clapper::clapper: thats them logun penertrators in my T10 177 they are proper killers she loves then at using them i ran a string off over the crono and on the rws superfields they run spot on at 11.62 and the loguns run spot on at 11.84 and that was a cracking shot right under the chin 45degree angle and bled very well lol but a beauty of a shot stealthy my T10 dont hold back when it comes to squizzers :thumbs::toast:



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