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Me pugs............

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couldn't watch it all the way through with that ferret pacing.


How often do they come out?


and yearly clean???? :icon_eek:


yes, yearly, do the need it more regularly then :hmm:

and Im told they get taken out at least once a year :hmm:
























some people never heard of tongue in cheek humour :doh:

they pace cause normally when pat is near the court, means they are going ferreting


Ya never know nower days blink.gif


Mine never pace, with a history in rescue kennels pacing normaly mean kennel mad so set off bad memorys for me.



Well if your suggesting my husbandry isn't up to scratch, just look at "Thumper" my old buck Flemish........................................happy as Larry.




:rofl: lmao :toast:

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couldn't watch it all the way through with that ferret pacing.


How often do they come out?


and yearly clean???? :icon_eek:


yes, yearly, do the need it more regularly then :hmm:

and Im told they get taken out at least once a year :hmm:
























some people never heard of tongue in cheek humour :doh:

they pace cause normally when pat is near the court, means they are going ferreting


Ya never know nower days blink.gif


Mine never pace, with a history in rescue kennels pacing normaly mean kennel mad so set off bad memorys for me.

all the best workers i add paced like that and soon as i watched the clip i thought there workers and in good condistion not fat and lazy sleepin most of there lives away
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