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Done a fair few recently

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Hey guy's


I've been out more or less every day since last week but just couldn't be bothered to write em up for some reason :icon_redface:


Shot a fair few as well got some pix as well, but just really enjoyed myself more than anything :D


I was stood in Bunnyland last week next to a tree that was providing me good cover looking over the front garden, drive and one of the garage's. While I was awaiting my next kill, I had my gun on the tree stump in the middle and my hand on the trunk to the left and I was in full DPM, when a Robin came hopping down the tree trunk and landed on my left arm where it stayed put for a few seconds and then hopped with a flap of her wings onto my silencer and then a second or so later hopped onto the ground to grab a few grubs before flying back up to her nest to feed her young.

What a pleasant experiance that was :notworthy:


My Sniping Position, sorry for the harsh contrast, it was taken on my phone.




Just after she took flight, a kit popped out precisely at my primary zero point. I know this to be the case as I had used a Dandylion head to check Zero. Well the kit decided to have a sniff at the remainder of the stalk, not such a smart move as my pellet whizzed in one side of the kits head and out of the other side.


How do you get a young kit to pose like this long enough to take its piccy?



Simple feed it a few grains of lead. Exit Wound



I chucked the kit into the Paddock for Charlie as it wasn't worth skinning and my freezer is full much to the wife's dissaproval ;)


I returned to Bunny land yesterday after I'd had a few cans of Stella, now before anyone give's me grief about shooting under the influance of drink I had totally sobred up :yes:

I had a medical op a couple of years ago, that took away 2/3rds of my stomach and rearranged my internal digestive plumbing and bypassing much of my intestine and now I have the benefit of getting sozzled on a half a can of Stella :D


Sadly the same operation has the disadvantage of getting the alcohol through and out of my system at an amazing frigging speed!

So after the 12 cans of Stella, it took less than 2 hours for me to sobre up and the hang over to kick in an hour later, so I had to sup a great deal of water to take care of that problem. When I returned to Bunnyland I used the same tree as cover

Anyways here are the results of the next couple of hours from the same spot.



Below is a lightweight 'Twin Ringed' Pellet that I removed from the back leg of the big Doe at the top of the photo.

I don't know what type of pellet it is but its sure not an AAF or FX and if I ever catch the tw@t that put it into the doe's leg (figuratively speaking here!!!!) I'll be sure to put one of mine in his leg and see if he likes it.



This is the second pellet belonging to someone else I've taken out of my kills :realmad:.

I'm begining to think that Davy was correct when I complained last year that the bunnies in the paddock were very lamp shy and he told me 'It looks like they've been lamped before' :yes:


I also paid a few trips to the Cemetery last week, late on just to see if I could nail Speedy or his kin folk.


Rather than Sniping from the central warren in the graveyard, I stood behind a headstone that gave me a good view of the length of the cemy from the big old tree to the roadside. It also gave me a good view of where the central warren's big entrance to the grave is.

I stood there for nearly half an hour before I noticed a light brown shape emerge from the grave, Slowley I moved round and pointed the scope towards my usual sniping spot. Sure enough, the light brown shape was the head and ears of a bunny.

I had hoped that it was going to come right out, but for some reason it refused. I clicked my tongue and it stood up on its hind legs, I got the croshairs pointed directly at the sweetspot and let off the second stage. I'd swear that bunny heard the hammer as it decided to duck fast!! A little dust cloud rose as the pellet hit the dry sandy soil behind the bunny.

Little did I know that later on, that fast little fecker and I were to have a face off ;)


Not long after that, I glanced down as I felt something on my foot.

Feck me!

It was a Kit and the Cheeky little sod was ON MY BOOT!

It was very small and I slowly raised my foot to grab it. I was going to take this one home alive and put it in the hutch thats been vacant for a couple of years.

No chance :( as I lifted my foot and bent down, it fell off and as it recovered, it legged it back the way it had come.

It was about the size of a Swan Vesta matchbox. Would have made a nice little pet I reckon.


Soon after that I noticed another kit over to my left, bigger than the tiny one but at 10 mag there was no way I could shoot it so I cranked the mag down to 3.5 and slotted a 16 grain through it. That was the 1st of the evening session.

Later as the sun had descended behind the big old tree behind me I saw another bunny. It had hopped out from Bunnyland and was making its way at speed across the cemetery, I cliked my tongue to try to get it to stop, but it carried on. Eventually stopping at around 45 meters from where I was. I gave it 3 mildots hold over and let off the shot. 2nd bunny of the evening rolled over and laid motionless. I have no doubt this little sh!t is one of speedy's offspring :yes:


As the light began to fade fast, I noticed over to my right a shape that moved. I spun myself and my baby round and looked through the scope. Sure enough it was a bunny, over half grown but not quite 3/4 yet.

The bunny sat there, looking at me for what seemed like ages. It was directly in front of me and I really wanted it to turn slightly either way for a good shot.

No such luck I sniffled without realising it and the bunny stood bolt upright, its ears fixed like someone had made them out of concrete.

'It knows I'm here' I thought to myself, 'well its now or never' and I placed the croshair at the top of the head and squeezed the second stage off. Click, followed by phutt, followed by CRACK and the bunny gave me the view of a lifetime!

Remember the 'Olympic Gymnast'? Well this one did a full backflip and a half before landing on its back .

That was one memorable flip :yahoo:


I retrieved the bunny and to my suprise it had numerous holes in it !

I had just had a face off with the bunny from the grave and I won :toast:


The pellet entrance was spot on :clapper:



It appears that when the bunny ducked earlier, it wasn't quite fast enough :11:



End of evening portrait



There have been others but these were the memorable ones.



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Cheers Archie,


That was a silly thing to do to your rod buddy :yes:

Mind you, I've dont the same to some of mine :oops:


Aint been fishing for ages now, must get some transport and then a new permit :yes:



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hi ya tony

great shooting and write up buddy

and i have had a few the same pellets in them i even shown the keeper and he said what do you use 177 not a 22 it had broken the leg and re-healed its self on a angle proper wrong everyone has a miss or takes a shot they kind of knows they can pull it off but just taking pot shots at animals is just wrong


nice pictures tony pal and very good shooting to buddy



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Good shooting, I am sure there are a few bunnies going around with pierced ears, those ones where we were sure there would be a good solid hit and the little critter ducks down just in time.


Last year I pulled a flat head out of a rabbit's backside, I'm sure I've still got the pellet somewhere, probably on the back window sill. It had been in the bunny for a while as the wound was completely healed and there was no apprant bruising or danage to the bones. I reckon it was a low ftlb rifle which was responsible as the hit should really have destroyed one side of the hip.

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