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Out with the dogs young beddy whip jumps fence and gets caught up on top two strands of barbwire part of a barb sction goes into his penis and he is just hanging there ran over and had to hold him to stop the wrigling then had a right job to get him unstuck have taken him to the vets and they said coulf leave it or glue it i went for leaving it as glue can burn it still bleeds ocasionaly but i think it is healing any idears as to how long i should rest him? and when should excercise resume and at what frequencey?

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OUch! Nasty, though it should heal as fast as any other part of the body. Is the dog peeing OK? I would imagine he is or he'd be in serious trouble by now. Give him a couple of weeks and she should be fine.......as long as he doesn't do it again. Only had one injury like that when a dog ran into a branch sticking out of the ground: no bleeding, but he was very sore for a couple of weeks afterwards: luckily no serious damage.

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