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any tips on getting permission?

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me n wor kid had some business cards printed mate


All you do then is keep knocking..... if they say no or 99% of the time they will already have someone else, hand them a card and say "If you need any extra help of if things dont work out with who you have then please get in touch"


The main thing is to keep your heart in it, it's a game of averages there's always the one that someone has missed and you will eventually stumble on it one day. Once you have one permission you will find more will come along.


Keep at it mate and good luck!



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It can take days, weeks or months :wallbash: :wallbash: :wallbash:


Then it can happen simply because you happen to be in the right place at the right time :yes:


Once you prove yourself, your name goes round and people come to you.


But you do have to be pretty thick skinned and accept a hell of a lot of no's (even if its only a no 'for now').



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It is easier to get permission for example: through knowing someone that knows someone else that has vermin problems, or being a member of a golf club so that you could ask for permission and be more likely to get it because they would be able to trust you more.

good luck in getting permission.



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i was just wondering if anybody had any tips of what to say when asking for permission.im having no luck at all




:thumbs:i just knock on doors and say i noticed some rabbits on your land when passing and wondered if any chance of permission to keep them down with air rifle most will say no or sorry we have someone already but keep it up and eventually one will say yes if your basa or basc insured it,ll help and print off some letters on pc so if noone in post one through out of every hundred knocks you may get one say yes but put yourself in their shoes then you understand why if you had land and someone approaches you asking permission would you say yeah no problem? most would say no and mostly because they dont want a total stranger walking round their land armed with a gun, just dress smartly and keep trying i had most of my permissions for yrs and was a kid when first asked but the farmers thoufght i were cheeky and gave me a chance then once your in respect what you got and visit landowners regular and say what you,ve shot recently and remember them at christmas with a card and if you can a bottle of something it goes a long way in their eyes and if you ever shoot lots of bunnys in any one session always offer them some most will say no thanks you keep them but its the thought that counts im 40 now and still have good relationship with all the landowners.....just try it and dont let the big fat No put you off cos you ,ll here it a lot i did but persiverance paid off eventually.....

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Here is the web site for shooting cards. www.shootingcards.co.uk I got some made up and they are excellent value and good quality,if the farmer / land owner says no, hand him one anyway.

Also if there is no one at home when you go knocking, pop one through thier letter box, you never know.




Good luck.

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Iv got about 600 acers of permission and a 150 more soon to come. I use my charm and if the land owners out in the field i always approach with a smile and crack a joke or 2. First impression always last and it gets them straight into conversation and they quickly make a decison whether they like you enough to let you on. Once your on go straight to the source of vermin ie rabbits and cull them right back. If you'v done a good job instead of just getting one or two for the pot or dog your well on your way to getting next doors permission aswell and so on!! Its all down hill from there on as the locals will get to know you and that you do a good job!

Insurance is always a good thing to have aswell and if you shop around you'l get a good deal. Respect tor property and live stock is first and foremost and dont take the piss by taking half a dozen mates on with you and always ask if its ok to take "A" friend on with you !!


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I had my first trip out knocking on doors on Saturday. Didn't have any luck but handed some cards out. One door I went too the key was in the outside of the door so I popped it through with a note on the back of my card so has hoping to get a call off him but caught up with him round the front and wasn't too keen

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Got a phone call off my dad today, ( he doesn't have a gun but will lens one of mine, but had supers tens, s410s etc) he works away putting pylons up and aparently he has done a farmer a few favours with the digger etc where they are working and my dad mentioned the guns and he told my dad we can go up and get rid of some rabbits for him. Can't wait to go up my dad said it's whicked with them it's an hours drive, but it's my first bit of permission. I'm over the moon I will let everyone no what it's like once I have been up

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just keep trying mate that is all you can do me and a friend recently got permission on about 35 acres pretty good loads of rabbits and he also has a problem with magpies and pigeons so it all sounds good let you know the outcome some pics asweel.


Good luck don't give up



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Never ever give up, get yourself some cards, always have permission forms with you, never wear camouflage/combats when your approaching land owners for the 1st time, they will think your a nut.

Be relaxed when speaking to them and try to keep the conversation going, this can be hard with farmers as they tend not to mince or waste their words.

Dont let knock backs deter you.



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Hi mate i was speaking to someone the otherday when they told me to rent some land from a farmer.Not sure if you can actually do this or shoot on it but maybe worth a go :hmm: does anyone know if you can actually do this.



Just a thought mate SS

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