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There are a lot of good guns out there, and the best one is probably the one that most suits you, so try a few before you buy,

I tried a few, and to be fair i went with the one that most on here rave about, the HW100Tk

Unless you are a total stick armed insect, they are not that heavy, and the build quality and acuraccy is second to none, IMHO!

Good luck with whatever you decide!

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Hw100 is a great gun, in any of its variations.

Widely regarded as the best cocking/mag/indexing system on the market.

Though unless other manufacturers follow Daystates new policy on anti tamper , my next rifle could well be an AirRanger.

Edited by stevieskin
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Just bought a Daystate air ranger in 177 and its is quite literally the DUGS NUTS

Best air rifle i`ve ever owned. Converted me to 177 and accuracy like you would not believe.


All this asking about pre anti tamper makes me think you would be better keeping your 22 though.


Have to agree with you there Pal :clapper:. I have knocked over alot of stuff these last few weeks without documenting them on the forum but boy does The Air Ranger in .177 hit the sweet spot, I have no idea what they are like in the girly .22 Calibre ;) but the .177's are Lethal....


Popped this male Squirrel while he was in the process of Building a Drey behind my aviaries yesterday, I got the chance of one shot through the leaves which was behind the front legs/Rib area! he stood still for a split second and down he come, The Ranger didn't let me down as usual....



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can any one point me in the right direction on a good pre anti tamper air rifle,im giving up my fac .22 cz rimfire to get a decent air rifle,my rifle is up for sale so when it has sold i will be in the market for an air rifle,but i need to know what are good ones and what are not so good,if anybody can help in my enquires i would like to here them.also which is better .177 or .22 and why?


thanks in advance TL


If the anti tamper thing is important to you then it might be worth checking out a new gun from Daystate. By all accounts they are now going to allow RFD to remove anti tamper , or supply guns non anti tamper if customer requests. Without voiding warranty. :clapper: :clapper:

Apparently this has been confirmed by factory.

As much as I love my HW100 , then unless Weihrauch follow suit, I will be looking at a Daystate soon.

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Hey Jasper :gunsmilie:


Thats one sweet shot :yes:

Blood out the nose and mouth suggests a perfect heart lung shot :notworthy:




:thumbs: Nice one Tony.....


Not done much with the gun for a good few weeks so it stood gathering dust! its that time of the year for me when I start to pull my hair out and go grey quicker........


I topped her up and had a few pot shots a couple of weeks ago, knocked over a few Pigeons and the odd bunny for Hawk food before the squirrels life was ended prematurely...


Hows things with you pal? I need to read through some posts and catch up on what you assassins have been up to of late :thumbs:


Take Care



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swell, lots of good pre charged out there, but as the other post suggests, what are you goin to use it for? is there anything that can do allthings in all situations - i guess not but my aa s410 come close! its as close to a good allrouder as i have found. oh and its soo acurate and good to use!


I know find excusises to have a look down the lower paddock a lot more than i should



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can any one point me in the right direction on a good pre anti tamper air rifle,im giving up my fac .22 cz rimfire to get a decent air rifle,my rifle is up for sale so when it has sold i will be in the market for an air rifle,but i need to know what are good ones and what are not so good,if anybody can help in my enquires i would like to here them.also which is better .177 or .22 and why?


thanks in advance TL


hi [bANNED TEXT] i have a gunpower stealth .22 its great gun and a 200 bar charge will give you 450 plus 12 ft lb shots and latest model is tamper proof they retail at around £399 .177 very good and accurate but it tends to be so fast and causes overkill at air rifle ranges .22 is more of a whack and inparts all its energy where its needed i find .... :thumbs:

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Hi, i have 2 hw100 tk in 177, what does that tell you lol


You got more brass than sense :tongue2::laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


You got strong arms,


You need a second one to counter balence the weight of the 1st ooohhh I'm on a roll here :boogie:

You can't shoot a .22..... Should I go on :angel:


Only messing Migy



I so asked for that :D :D :gunsmilie:;)

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