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When you fall of that horse......

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Right i've battled hard this last year after taking a few knock's but i cannot see the wood for the trees....


i'm normally a happy chap, although i have a few hang ups...


So my question is how do you find the will to battle on when you keep falling of that proverbial horse...... ?

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Snap - Been there done that. Got the T-shirt mate. The most important lesson to learn is WHEN IN A HOLE STOP DIGGING. Start building a ladder. You're on the deck, you're f**cked up f**cked over and f

bin there mate, and it feels like its never ending, i suffered with depression and when i used to wake up in the morning i just wanted night to come so i could go to sleep to escape the pain, i DID ha

You like the clips so much - here is one for you....   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPC0kTWaE7I

Snap -

Been there done that. Got the T-shirt mate. The most important lesson to learn is WHEN IN A HOLE STOP DIGGING. Start building a ladder. You're on the deck, you're f**cked up f**cked over and f**ked off. Haul yourself back to your feet, which I think you have done already. Stop looking down, it only gets darker. Look up. There is a blue sky up there. Aim for that. You'll still slip back but if you can take three steps up for two down you'll get there. Takes a long time for some of us but when you get over the edge of that hole it's worth the effort.


PM me if you want.


RicW (aka RicTheMad)


PS When - not if! - I get the .204 together I'll take you on with your .243 at 500 yards. Bet I can kill more paper than you!

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Snap - you get back on the horse, and you get a friend to give you a leg-up ;) If you still keep falling off you look for the reasons and if you can't find the answers, and it seems like you might fall a bit too hard and do yourself some permanent damage, then you seek the help of a professional...


When you can't see the wood for the trees forget about the big picture. Just focus in on one tiny leaf and you'll find something good. Find the beauty in one small leaf and you will be able to see the whole tree, then the whole wood, and it won't look so bad.


As Ric said, there is always something, one little patch of light in the darkest wood, allow your friends to help you find it.

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mate, when the cider's not working for me (ahem, only half joking there) i try to remember that we are little specks of space dust floating around on a non discript little planet in a big big universe, who knows what shit is going on out there. Its all part of the big plan, and all happens for a reason. Keep yer chin up buddy.

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Right i've battled hard this last year after taking a few knock's but i cannot see the wood for the trees....


i'm normally a happy chap, although i have a few hang ups...


So my question is how do you find the will to battle on when you keep falling of that proverbial horse...... ?

learn to puy thing in prospective ......some people have no shoes .... but some have no legs !! everyone has problems ,but there is allways some worse off than yourself ...good luck :thumbs:

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Yeah, that was one of my Dad's sayings. "I was sad because I had no shoes then I met a man who had no feet." Snap, you have a lot of friends out here. Some may think you have crap taste in music but they are just iggerant, OK? If I ever get acrost your side of the sea we'll play some serious Irish sounds.

Tell yer wha' can you put some Kerry Slides on the site? Or a couple of slip jigs? Get the feet up and dancing.



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Sometimes we fall off that horse because we make mistakes and sometimes we are pushed . Ya have to learn to bounce !


Two quotes that I've found usefull


1/ "Those that do not learn by their mistakes are condemned to repeat them ".


This was a favourite mantra of my "ex". It took a while but eventually I took it onboard myself ,realised my mistake and dumped her .

Best thing I ever did!


2/ "When in a sticky situation ask yourself what John Wayne would have done "


A favourite of my old headkeeper.


The answer is ,"THE RIGHT THING".

Basically whatever situation you find yourself in ,whether it be having to own up to a mistake ,taking some moral highground ,acting in a way that will change a bad situation, fullfilling a promise you regret making or just getting up and going to work when you really ,really don't feel like facing the world, just do the right thing .


You might not always be popular but you will be blameless and that is so good for self-confidence .

Good luck . :thumbs:

Edited by comanche
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look at it this.. if its as bad as it can be and cant possibly get any worse and its lower than low...


tomorow can only be a better day... i learnt myself this wile in hostpital with my 2 year old duaghter who was suffering from cancer and had to have her kidney removed.. trust me if your healthy and strong its all out here for the taking :gunsmilie: get out there and make summit happen, and talk to some one ..it helps alot :victory:

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