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Traitor on the street again.

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F*ck me - some of you are frightening. It must be pleasent to see the world so so simply. It's good to know all the bad people are foreign and all the foreign people are bad and no british folk commit

We are getting a bit off topic here but . . . Bloody Sunday 13 innocent people dead, 13 injured and that twat Widgery blamed the victims. I don't blame the squaddies though. The Paras were and are the

How many countries have the english poked their noses in where they aren't wanted.

  On 24/06/2010 at 18:52, blan said:

i was not there either,but ive not heard of anyone denying it


like i said whatever you think of the political situation etc the fact remains.



A lot of fact,s in the troubles we dont know about.History will judge it.I am just glad it,s over :thumbs:

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heres one fact. the ira are scum and child killers.and for someone who was concerned about that vid you are certainly keeping it going.the thing is it that soldier that died protecting kids goes against the image that your type like to try and put across about the british soldier.

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  On 25/06/2010 at 14:50, blan said:

well i can tell you 1 thing mate the vast majority of soldiers dont want to harm civilians,and wouldnt do so unless they believed they had no other choice.

cant say the same for terrorist groups like the I.R.A can you?


I can safely say that the IRA never set out to intentionally harm civilians, (I'm talking provos not the continuity or real, they're a pack of c**ts who don't have a f****n clue) they had warnings given to prevent civilian casualties, they represented the people and declared war on the British occupation- soldiers, police(they were branded terrorists because they couldn't be beaten). Many of the occupying soldiers supported the UDA, LVF whatever you want to call them(these are things British soldiers have said), even the UDR had strong links with these paramilitaries who did nothing but murder innocent people, often supplying weapons, there was even a case where a weapon was tracked from one UDA attack, seized by the police and then it was found to be used again in another attack on civilians, and this isn't an isolated incident. My great uncle was killed in an attack on a pub in the middle of Tyrone, plain clothes officers had been seen driving through for weeks before and their was a large army presence aswell, patrols, roadblocks etc., a day after they seemed to leave there was an LVF attack, the Brits still don't acknowledge anything like this went oncensored.gif. Another reason that Britain sill occupied Ireland was they could make money off the people, fill the streets with British owned business' taking money from the country taking advantage of their colony, the same way they kept exporting food during the famine..... this is the reason for bombing shops, the docklands, all part of the long war. One other thing, it was never about religion for the Irish people(united irishmen, land league,1916 rising, first president was a protestant) the earlier rebellions were because the whole of Ireland was sick of Britain's treatment of them. The Brits are responsible for the sectarianism, religion only ever played a part in the troubles (not once before that), because the brits were discriminating against catholics, and thats what started the whole thing, and is a tactic the controlling classes still use. I'm, like many, glad it's over now, but I can't f*****g stand ignorant talk about IRA motives from some c**t who's only experience is from what he saw on British TV, or read in a British paper.censored.gif

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  On 25/06/2010 at 16:06, Wild_and_Irish said:
  On 25/06/2010 at 14:50, blan said:

well i can tell you 1 thing mate the vast majority of soldiers dont want to harm civilians,and wouldnt do so unless they believed they had no other choice.

cant say the same for terrorist groups like the I.R.A can you?


I can safely say that the IRA never set out to intentionally harm civilians, (I'm talking provos not the continuity or real, they're a pack of c**ts who don't have a f****n clue) they had warnings given to prevent civilian casualties, they represented the people and declared war on the British occupation- soldiers, police(they were branded terrorists because they couldn't be beaten). Many of the occupying soldiers supported the UDA, LVF whatever you want to call them(these are things British soldiers have said), even the UDR had strong links with these paramilitaries who did nothing but murder innocent people, often supplying weapons, there was even a case where a weapon was tracked from one UDA attack, seized by the police and then it was found to be used again in another attack on civilians, and this isn't an isolated incident. My great uncle was killed in an attack on a pub in the middle of Tyrone, plain clothes officers had been seen driving through for weeks before and their was a large army presence aswell, patrols, roadblocks etc., a day after they seemed to leave there was an LVF attack, the Brits still don't acknowledge anything like this went oncensored.gif. Another reason that Britain sill occupied Ireland was they could make money off the people, fill the streets with British owned business' taking money from the country taking advantage of their colony, the same way they kept exporting food during the famine..... this is the reason for bombing shops, the docklands, all part of the long war. One other thing, it was never about religion for the Irish people(united irishmen, land league,1916 rising, first president was a protestant) the earlier rebellions were because the whole of Ireland was sick of Britain's treatment of them. The Brits are responsible for the sectarianism, religion only ever played a part in the troubles (not once before that), because the brits were discriminating against catholics, and thats what started the whole thing, and is a tactic the controlling classes still use. I'm, like many, glad it's over now, but I can't f*****g stand ignorant talk about IRA motives from some c**t who's only experience is from what he saw on British TV, or read in a British paper.censored.gif

:clapper: A good reply.It was the same british ruleing classes that kept and treat its own working class like shit and it was only the advent of ww1 that brought a change in this country or i believe we could have gon the same way as russia did.

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  On 25/06/2010 at 16:17, big hunter12 said:
  On 25/06/2010 at 14:50, blan said:

well i can tell you 1 thing mate the vast majority of soldiers dont want to harm civilians,and wouldnt do so unless they believed they had no other choice.

cant say the same for terrorist groups like the I.R.A can you?

yes i can isuffered vat the hands of those brave soldiers there scum and they did kill innocent people.you nfuck pots over there only read what you want. i have seen the army and police run through streets beating up innocent catholics


That's right, regular harassment at checkpoints for anybody who came up as catholic when their number plate was ran through the computer, beaten by 6 or 7 soldiers and thrown in a ditch...... I've never read about that in the daily mail

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I don't think I've ever read such utter bollocks as this statement:



I can safely say that the IRA never set out to intentionally harm civilians


If that was the case, then why did they set bombs off in town centres shopping centres and hotels?


Whatever the rights and wrongs of British Rule in Ireland, the fact that these scumbags think they are above the law and can murder innocent civilians both in Ireland and on the Mainland means that they do not deserve the respect of any right thinking human being.


I also think that as time goes on, we all have to accept that we cannot change the past, whether that is the British rule of Ireland, India and other countries, or the french invasion of britain in 1066.


But to come on here and claim that the IRA didn't intentionally target innocent civilians is plain stupid. They (and some others) ran a 'terror' campaign for many years, using fear, violence and intimidation to get their own way.

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as i previously stated the ira killed their oh and i remember the manchester bomb they called it in and when the cops started moving the innocent people away from the bomb to the other end of the high street the real bomb went off.among the dead was a little boy buying his mother a mothers day present.not forgetting the bandsmen they killed.or mountbatton killing him his young grandchildren and a small catholic boy who had a summer job on the lake.you have some f*****g balls calling soldiers murdering scum.if it wasnt so tragic it would be funny.oh well the SAS werent long in curbing your murderous ways.shot them in the streets of gibraltor like the dogs they were.yes ill admit the security forces made many a mistake but to make yourselfs out to be the innocent party in all this is quite frankly sickening!


one more thing you call it a war!it wasnt a war if it had been then maybe we wouldnt have had all the deaths over the years.the soldiers hands were tied as the goverment didnt want an all out war on the streets of britain.in a war we would have shelled the trouble spots with destroyers and flew sorties over your bandit country.Thats a war!

Edited by scothunter
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  On 25/06/2010 at 17:55, big hunter12 said:
  On 25/06/2010 at 17:43, scothunter said:

as i previously stated the ira killed their oh and i remember the manchester bomb they called it in and when the cops started moving the innocent people away from the bomb to the other end of the high street the real bomb went off.among the dead was a little boy buying his mother a mothers day present.not forgetting the bandsmen they killed.or mountbatton killing him his young grandchildren and a small catholic boy who had a summer job on the lake.you have some f*****g balls calling soldiers murdering scum.if it wasnt so tragic it would be funny.oh well the SAS werent long in curbing your murderous ways.shot them in the streets of gibraltor like the dogs they were.yes ill admit the security forces made many a mistake but to make yourselfs out to be the innocent party in all this is quite frankly sickening!

the innocent people the brave soldiers killed wernt mistake,s they ment to kill and set people up for loyalist hit men to kill we could go on like this for years but we are not going to agree on many a thing,i have my views some facts because i was there and seen the things happen.there is no party over here tottally innocent and that includes the ira ,loyalist partys,and the british govermentand last but not least the army.


never said there were.the loyalists did some horrendous stuff aswell to innocent people aswell.my point was please dont make out that the ira were whiter than white.they killed children and many an innocent person.thats all im saying on the matter and ill leave it there. :bye:

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I would love to hear both sides of the story regarding 'the troubles'. unfortunately its such an emotive subject that it always ends up getting deleted.

Thats a shame because all we ever get is biased press reports.

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Bit of a cock really arent ya :feck: cuunts like you are the reason troubles brewing again look to your own murdering scum before blasting others (no pun). Every single group involved was as bad as the other but you didn't see soilders blowing up shopping centers

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