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Bedlington terrier ?

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:blink: ...bloody hell, i just want some info on working bedlingtons, not a argument... :laugh:

Sorry if i worded it rong, just wonderd whats the best lines out their, if no one wants to give that info, thats fine, no bad feelings, shame though. :(




Your not getting much responce there Dan, the only thing i can tell you is, had a beddy cross years ago, one the the gamest lurchers ive kept, she threw to the sire , short tail, feet were not great,, not huge speed ,the reason i mention her flaws are that without the gameness of the sire she would probably have been f*****g useless, i'll give ya an example , went out one day to dig a fox with a few lads who were supposed to have working terriers, ended up using her, letting her in, digging down and letting her on up again, But i wouldn't touch the same cross today unless i was 100% sure of the sire, the bitch i had came frow South Wales, must be about 25 years ago out of a hard line of beddys as far as i know the sire was about 19" , would be a shame if the line had died out, think your doing the right thing looking for the right dog, thought you might have got more help on here,, just as an after thought, a good wheaton dog will give ya the same and more ,,

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have a look in on the working bedlington forum, some good lads on there and if theres any lurchers going from good working stock, they'll point you in the right direction, good luck with your search.





my Wheaten and belington pups



bedlington x greyhound first cross at 6 months old


Thanks very much once again Lawrence, you have been of great help, ill have a look at that link. :thumbs:

Your bitch is a nice looking bitch too.

Good luck.



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before all these laws came in i thought years ago badger was legal and bedlingtons were used then. then they became pretected. i thought that was the main thing they were used for. there also used to be trails with bedlingtons and badgers in pipes and the aim was to move the badger through gates in the pipeing without making a sound and this was one of the storys behind bedlingtons being known as the silent killer due to this. this is what i was told but being honest not much of a terrier guy. maybe thats what he meant by preban when all below ground quarry was on the agenda.

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having been around bedlingtons for 40+ years , the first thing i will say is theres a lot of crap spoken about bedys and most of those doing it wouldn t know one if it bite them , my bedys aree earth dogs and of the smaller varity and don t do rabbiting bushing etc they just like dark places , but there are some good bedys out there you just got to look hard and find them, atb top

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