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Little old lady tells me off

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just got in from a nice walk with the dogs that ended up in an argument. walked along a river its a very public area and has big fields and little patches of trees everywhere so you can only see so far. i took the four dogs with me including Maggie who is a bit antisocial with strangers both dog and people more out of nervousness. anyway coming over the big fields the dogs are running a fair distance off hunting these little patches of rough for the very few rabbits that are about, when i see a grey haired person just crossing a bridge between the trees and the fields, so as im fairly bright i shout the dogs in and put the big black dog bob on the lead he will bark and growl at other dogs but he is all bluff. i think no more of this but walk along the river and through some trees onto another big field, i hadnt even noticed maggie had dissapeared till i heard her barking at a massive alsation which fair play was on the lead held by a a tiny little old woman. i shouted maggie over and at the second attempt she came. four dogs at heel i walked on and put them in the car.


up pulls the little old lady and gives me a right ear bashing about letting dogs run wild and 3 dogs constitute a pack. what i did manage to say before i had to walk away as my anger management isnt good. is that her dog which is highly antisocial and too powerful for her needs training so that she can trust it off the lead and that her obvious anxiety is transferring to her dog and is a lot of her dogs problem.


She had seen the four dogs hunting and felt threatened about going onto that field this was when i saw her going over the bridge.


im not blameless for sure as i had let maggie wander off but the other three dogs were nowhere near her dog and walked to heel perfectly until put into the vehicle. honest to God where do you go these days for a bit of peace and quiet? i told her to get on her bike which was very restrained of me!

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you should show your elders some respect mate if the shoe was on the other foot you would of acted the same

I can't help but imaging how someone would feel if it was their nan or auntie who you verbally bollocked, especially since it was YOUR dog off lead in a public area.

you should have put her and her dog in the back of your yoke, driven them 50 or 60 miles and left them in the arsehole of no-where.

and off course stole her fone, which you can sell to recoop fuel money. :clapper:


You forgot to water board her before releasing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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you should have put her and her dog in the back of your yoke, driven them 50 or 60 miles and left them in the arsehole of no-where.

and off course stole her fone, which you can sell to recoop fuel money. :clapper:


You forgot to water board her before releasing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

quite right :laugh::laugh: maybe give her a go with the old tazer gun, or superglue her to a gate.

better still, put vise grips on her nipple and connect her dogs lead to the grips :laugh::laugh:

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i would have pissed my self laughing if it had been someone else, she was 4 foot nowt and she was giving it the finger pointing and everything i must have looked like a naughty school boy,


i wouldnt have gone anywhere near her dog it was in the back of a 4 x 4 and was the size of a small horse i couldnt really see it for teeth and slaver. :clapper:

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you should have put her and her dog in the back of your yoke, driven them 50 or 60 miles and left them in the arsehole of no-where.

and off course stole her fone, which you can sell to recoop fuel money. :clapper:


You forgot to water board her before releasing :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

quite right :laugh::laugh: maybe give her a go with the old tazer gun, or superglue her to a gate.

better still, put vise grips on her nipple and connect her dogs lead to the grips :laugh::laugh:


I think we're all in agreement stroller you were far too easy on the wench :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

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i can't wait until i'm old and grey because with old age and grey hair you automatically become hard as feck and able to approach anyone hurl abuse, wag your finger and generally tell eveyone that they're wrong and i'm right. awesome

atb natter


(you're up my way it wasn't a completly white alsation was it?)

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no it was a normal coloured dog and it was down by the river at willington near crook,Ive seen a big white dog around Coundon which is another big horrible b*****d. a lad at the agility training where i take maggie and bob has a big black german shepherd dog which gets that frustrated it bites him!!


i feel a bit sorry for her really when you think about it she obviously cant walk around where she lives as the dog is a nuisance, whereas i go down there as its on the flat and im recovering from a knee op so its easier to walk, where i live is one of the highest points in durham so all my local walks are up and down hill which hurts a lot at the moment. its also more densley populated than where i live as well so i will wind my neck in and put the dogs on the lead when i head back to the car. Why spoil every ones day :D

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F@&k that mate one person says something and dogs on lead tell her to get f&cked she don't own the field you have the same right as anyone and most people like to see dogs having a good run out

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If her on lead dog GSD had tore your off lead Maggie to pieces how would you have felt? In public places I really do think dogs should be kept under close control. I have been on the receiving end of people with out of control dogs and it ain't good. How would you have felt if the GSD owner was a large hairy bloke - would it still be fair to ridicle?

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I dont think its as clear cut as saying if someones dog is on the lead and yours isnt its your fault. People choose, very often to take there poor trained and socialised dogs to areas with lots of off lead dogs and then piss and moan if your friendly dog does what dogs do. Almost as bad as those that start screaming and shouting in terror when their dog and yours meet off lead, despite it being blindingly obvious that both dogs are happy and non agressive.

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