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hi my whippet bitch is 18 months old and am ready to start working her this season but i had a set back with her the other day while i wasnt there but my mrs was she got very excited and jumped on the window sill then jumped threw an open window into the garden my mrs rushed out side to see what was going on then she saw the whippet with a cat in her mouth shaking it to death by the time my mrs got to it she said it was dead is there any way i can stop the bitch attacking cats as many of my neighbours have them or will this be a constant problem now cheers any advice welcome. Rabbitdispatcher.

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hi my whippet bitch is 18 months old and am ready to start working her this season but i had a set back with her the other day while i wasnt there but my mrs was she got very excited and jumped on the window sill then jumped threw an open window into the garden my mrs rushed out side to see what was going on then she saw the whippet with a cat in her mouth shaking it to death by the time my mrs got to it she said it was dead is there any way i can stop the bitch attacking cats as many of my neighbours have them or will this be a constant problem now cheers any advice welcome. Rabbitdispatcher.



Not sure why you see it as a set back, dont know why every bloody house in some areas needs a cat, this time of year with so many young birds and mammals about , f*****g cats take a huge toll on them,with numbers of song bird dropping every year but everyone one is been told to encourage wildlife into their gardens , but nothing is been done abouts cats, for every one rabbit taken by lurchers i would think that 20 are taken by moggies, Watched a she cat years ago with a litter in the barn, clear a long hedgerow of young rabbits until the kittens were weaned, very effective killers on small prey but who gives a f**k but try to justify a days ferreting to some people and your seen as a monster, the same people with a moggie sitting on their lap, figure that out,,

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well its not like you set your dog on the cat so dont see how you cud get dun iv got a year old salxgray/bullxgray and when younger she never bothered with cats as most cat we saw wood stay still but as she got older she got moor keen and wants to smash every cat we see thers lots of cats where i live and most of the time my lurcher is looking out the widow at them i can see her getting a cat 1 day but it dus show your dog well ready for a bit for hunting

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Guest DogFaceKillah

IMHO getting this type of dog used to cats has to be done from a young age and now she has had a taste its going to be very hard and in some cases can be impossible.

nothing is impossible all dogs can be corrected with the right method

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IMHO getting this type of dog used to cats has to be done from a young age and now she has had a taste its going to be very hard and in some cases can be impossible.

nothing is impossible all dogs can be corrected with the right method

Barring electric shock collars to subdue the killing instinct in certain types of dogs is imho unfair on the dog and wat would your method be of cureing this dog from killing cats as a mate with a grey/beddy is having the same problem and has tried everthing bar the electric collar.

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IMHO getting this type of dog used to cats has to be done from a young age and now she has had a taste its going to be very hard and in some cases can be impossible.

nothing is impossible all dogs can be corrected with the right method

please tell me what i can do about my dobie bitch don't mind her killing them just want her to stop bringing them back into the house.

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must be a hard little dog,and nothing wrong with that but its best to stop it as quick as you can, farmers dont look to kindly on a dog killing the farm cat! i had a jack russel chase a cat into a farm house and onto the kitchen table when the farmers family were having breakfast, the dog didnt get the cat but it was close. everybody thought it was funny fortunately.


it will take a lot of practice and patience but you need to re introduce the whippet to cats in a friendly way good luck

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