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hi ya buddy

cracking little guns matey

i have one here i had it cut down and screw cut for a silencer nice gun and easy to use and look after as well :thumbs: £80 quid is about right or if you want to go for a newer one your looking at around £300 for a Weihrauch hw35k .22 'Jubilee 55' LTD EDITON :thumbs:



Edited by venomviper
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cheers shay been after a decent gun for a bit now but funds arent to clever got a couple at mo an old vulcan and a westlake the westlake performs better than the vulcan but cant hit a thing with it with scope on but just using open sights dont often miss but vulcan shoots well with same scope?

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hi ya buddy

thats down to mounts or recoil on the different guns westlakes can be hard to use scopes on as for the short grooves and they aint that deep either so you will get scope creep plus the vulcans are a nice gun i have one that i use for the rats and always after another vulcan if these a cheap one going :thumbs::thumbs:

but they hard good with scopes but good to keep an eye on them to and with the springers you need to keep the hand consistant when shooting and going from one to the other it will change as it happens to me a few times i go from springer to pcp and i have to check zero and my shots can be all over the place lol i put it down to different stocks / recoil / pellets / and being none consistant with the gun for me that was until i got the hang of swapping and changing my holds on the guns might work for you to a bit of a tip but i still forget too but if you want to ask me anything else just post me or pm me matey

i'm always about to help if needed matey :thumbs:

i hope these tip's help ya out matey and if you get the hw35 and want to keep it i would say put some money up out the way and once you have enough buddy send her for a tony wall tune and sandwell field sports he is great with most guns but loves the hw's :thumbs:



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I would buy it. Am thinking of getting one myself, always fancied the HW35E or luxus version. From what I have read they are accurate enough to 30-35 yards but sometimes dificult to get up to 11.5 ft/lb, anyway 10-10.5 is enough for all the usual air gun quarry providing you have the accuracy. The are suposed to be droop snouts, i.e the barrel points slightly down from the cylinder so you might need adjustadle mounts if using with a scope, think you can get v-mach kits for them so it might be an idea to think about getting one once you have the funds. Let us know how you get on.

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save your cash get a gas ram for the vulcan and enjoy....a sorted vulcan will do all you need ...all you need to do for the gas ram saw about .5mm of rear spring stop and you are away..the hw35 was/is a good rifle but never gave the ft/lb people said the post above is correct re 10/10.5...it was the trigger that made the hw 35...but for ease of use the vulcan is very good.but thats my thought.

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