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red squirrels scratching and itching - greys just appeared

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I only had reds in my area until about 5 years ago, I caught the first greys in the area, but the reds soon succumbed to the pox disease. :cry: However I still do my bit, as I work in the red squirrel reserves and get payed to cull the greys. My feelings are, that unless your protecting a large pine block, your wasting your time trying to save the reds, ive seen many keepers down the valley try and fail, but if your like me, you will try anyway. :gunsmilie:

Like has been said, contact the wildlife trust, and possibly a call to the forestry commision may pay off too. :thumbs:

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The Reds have actually improved in numbers in many parts, notably those parts where Greys are culled. The Pox virus will kill the Reds but not the Greys, they Greys are carriers and spreaders of the disease. All I can suggest is that every grey you see, you cull if possible.

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