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colourded rabbits [full version]


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during the late 1970s i caught rabbits on lord spencers estate in northamptonshire.on five separate occasions i trapped white rabbits,his lordship told me that they had been introduced in the 1900s to make the lawns look pretty but i suspect it was to add new blood and weight to the local stock.

last week i drove past nobottle woods for the first time in 25 years i stopped and picked one up , it had been hit by a car.there coats are stained brown from burrowing but they are still unmistakably white.over the years i have caught quite a few black and one ginger rabbit but althorp is the only place i know where coloured rabbits still throw up year after year. hope i hit the right button this time micky

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i get the odd ocoloured one round here, one place has blacks i have bolted one but lost it another place i know of has ginger ones also ive caught blue ones from the main farm i go ferreting on my uncle has ferreted this farm for 30 years and hes been getting blues from here all this time

heres a blue skin next to a normal one



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  • 2 months later...

We have vicar rabbits around my area,they are rabbits with a white collar.

The amount of white varies from just a blaze on the forehead to nearly

half,usually from behind theshoulders forwards.


A few black ones as well.Only ever seen 2 blue ones and 1 ginger one.

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Guest craftycarper

got blacks on my perm, but never bolted one :( the mutt had a mixy one last summer though, also never had the chance to shoot one either as they always seem to be the first to get spooked and be off

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I used to save the lemon ginger (leucistic) ones and pop them back in after ferreting on a place down in Somerset I used to work, soon a good population built up and they were as common as the grey/brown ones. Nice to see them in moderation.


Black ones I always took as unlucky to catch so left them when out with the rifle or nets.


I also tagged along when ferreting at a Safari Park 'Pet's Corner' once and there were allsorts of rabbits bolting there, including one that was as big as a hare and multi-coloured. You didn't know what was going to hit the nets next in there. Madness! :icon_eek:



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