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my blue eye bull x grey

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i bet he has a side step like Shane Williams with feet like that


ha ha if you read my earlyer post they aint like it now an even if they were i dont really care i had him for my benefit not anybody elses i bought him cause i me liked him not as a tracky bottom wearing owners trophy dog

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Its a very good chance he is deaf, are his feet as wonky as they looking in the pic.


he looks lovely anyway.


no they went like that after he had a problem with his legs he had knuckling over a few months back but they've straightened up now after ages of crate rest and bandgeing to straighten them


I pleased they have sorted themselfs out, my boy has weak pasterns, its not a ovious turn but sometimes he stand and they look terrible, though he coming up 11yrs and had no problem with them so far.

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Like you said id spend more one on one time & basic training.As frustrating as it is stay calm & give him lots of praise when he does come back.You dont want him to think hes going to get a rolloking every time he comes back to you.As has already been said he may be testing you,so stay calm & dont let him push you over the edge

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Not all dogs are motivated by food, get him used to working on the tug toys with you, it may take a while to get him going, he sounds like a very low drive pup, use a certain phrase when your taking out the toy at home and get him very excited bout it, give him only a few seconds at the start, gradually building it up to longer, but always leave him wanting more, then when he's ape shit bout the toy on a daily basis, take it out with you when your out with him in the field, using that certain phrase to call him up and give him a play with it, service dog will work for f*****g hours just to play with a bouncy ball for a few seconds but they are normally very high drive animals,, best of luck with him,,



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you cant have a bull cross without a pair of trainers and tracky bottoms mate i wonder if he would listen to you better if you had them on lol :victory:

woods as u picture shows and u comment about bull cross and trackies [bANNED TEXT] a tit

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Mate ive had this problem with dogs between 9 and 12/13 months. Think they can get stubborn at that age. when u call him back off the lead dont put him back on lead, just give treat or whatever and let him go back. Sometimes id put them on lead for a bit and let them off again. They always come now. Hope this helps

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Mate ive had this problem with dogs between 9 and 12/13 months. Think they can get stubborn at that age. when u call him back off the lead dont put him back on lead, just give treat or whatever and let him go back. Sometimes id put them on lead for a bit and let them off again. They always come now. Hope this helps


ok will try some of these thanks for all the advise hes a lovely dog other than that bad habit.

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hi ive a 9month old bull greyhound dog that dont seem to want to come back tried tit bits even running away myself creating as much noise as i can with the other dogs to seem were having fun without him but if he gets something on his mind he wont come back like if its a dead animal carcase we passed earlyer on the walk a scent for him to roll in or even the car or gate meaning he can go home ive never had this problem with any of my other dogs but if you do get his attention he'll stop were he is meaning you have to walk the length of the field to get him back any ideas greatly appreciated as he makes me so mad with it he gets called a number of choice names not just his own


his feet look a bit flat and turned out,sorry thats going off the subject i know...have you tried somthing thats like more tasty than a dog treat.i think cubes of spam or luncheon meat kind of stuff works well.my mate has a saluki bull grey of a similar age,fine in yard comes to you and all rest of it but as soon as you get it out in field its like its gone deaf!we have been mulling it over and all we could realy come up with was nice treats.even if it takes ages to come back still give it a treat insted of a slap and then hopfully it will do it quicker as it learnt that when it omes back there is somthing nice.im sure you have had the same ideas unsucessfully but just a thought.hope you get sorted.atvb


edited to say nice one about his feet getting sorted

Edited by ferreter.al
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