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my blue eye bull x grey

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hi ive a 9month old bull greyhound dog that dont seem to want to come back tried tit bits even running away myself creating as much noise as i can with the other dogs to seem were having fun without him but if he gets something on his mind he wont come back like if its a dead animal carcase we passed earlyer on the walk a scent for him to roll in or even the car or gate meaning he can go home ive never had this problem with any of my other dogs but if you do get his attention he'll stop were he is meaning you have to walk the length of the field to get him back any ideas greatly appreciated as he makes me so mad with it he gets called a number of choice names not just his own

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well i hope not considering i put if you do get his attention he will stop were he is and hes fine around the house and will quite willingly do eveything i ask of him


an na i dont want him picking up

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well i hope not considering i put if you do get his attention he will stop were he is and hes fine around the house and will quite willingly do eveything i ask of him


an na i dont want him picking up

you could of been getting his attention physically,waving at him perhaps,i dont know it was just a thought

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Its a very good chance he is deaf, are his feet as wonky as they looking in the pic.


he looks lovely anyway.


no they went like that after he had a problem with his legs he had knuckling over a few months back but they've straightened up now after ages of crate rest and bandgeing to straighten them

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well i hope not considering i put if you do get his attention he will stop were he is and hes fine around the house and will quite willingly do eveything i ask of him


an na i dont want him picking up

you could of been getting his attention physically,waving at him perhaps,i dont know it was just a thought


sorry i thought you was being sarcastic its like he just switches off untill hes done whatever he wants to do on occasions he will come back but id rather have it that he comes when i say not when he feels hes ready hes probly just being a typical male i was thinking of having him castrated to see if that helps at all

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Just a thought.Does he have a timid/nervous nature


no hes more boystrous then anything i just put alot of time into him to stop him jumping up me and if anybody comes he joins with the other dogs in barking and is the first to head for the gate to see whos there an jump up them

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The only things i can think of are he finds whatever hes doing more interesting than coming back to you or he doesnt see you as pack leader.And i dont mean that to sound like your boring or not the leader.


any ideas am grateful for il probly have to put more one to one time in with him but with my others its nearly allways the first thing they learnt


an hes been kept as a pet at the moment but i would like to work him for myself for abit of fun rather then see him go to waste but he is starting to pick up off my other lurcher tho as the field weve got my horses in is full of bunnies which he dont bother about messing about in the under growth if hes heard or smelt somthing which he does tend to use his nose alot

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he's probably just testing you, he's nine month's old and just pushing boundries to see how far he can go before correction, my dog's 2 and still chuck's a deaf ear now and then (which just show's how sh1t i am at training dog's so just ignore me :icon_redface: )

atb natter

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