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Sort me rabbits owt lad!

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Now then airgunners, while I was driving down a tight country lane I was flashed by an old beat up Land Rover, one I knew quite well, and in it was old Mr Parsons, one of the old style of generation after generation farmers, now then Stealth he said in a broad Lincolnshire accent, Owwwww Arrrrrr you doing lad, I love this old boy, he's twice my age, and in his pressence I feel like a youth, After the usual banter he asked me if I had time to sort out some rabbits for him, does a hore love free condoms I thought :D For you Mr Parsons I have a little time to spare, so I hopped into his landy to have a look. They're eating through the wrap on me silage bails, and they're starting to burrow under me cattle sheds in the yard Stealth he said with a frown :angry: Dont worry Mr Parsons I said, I will catch the little things (b**tards) and feed them to my ferrets :D Greeeeeat he said, with a now smiling face :) So he showed me where the rabbits were chewing the wrap from the bails, and then onto the miners that were under the cattle shed, and then we had a jolly around some other parts of the farm that had a few bunnies to harvest, f**ckin ace :clapper: There was a not so little padock next to the cattle sheds where his daughter has a pony, full of nice runs, it looked like an aeriel road map there was so many runs, I said that the padock could do with a little bit of the Stealthy touch, to which Mr Parsons replied, you know your always welcome on my land lad, just keep the gate holes clear, and go where you like, if you need some permission letters, just pop in the office when you passing and see my son Matt, what a nice day this is turning out to be :yes: So I was dropped off at my truck, old Mr Parsons drove off, and I bet you cant guess where I went next, good morning Matt :laugh: Your dad says you will print me some maps for some land he wants me to have a wonder over, I could here the printer working overtime in the corner of the office, I'm just doing them now mate he said, Just as Mr Parsons walked out of his office, I would have given you a lift if you had asked he said, I was just in the area, so I thought I would just pop in :whistling: Everybody burst out laughing, think they know me to well :D Anyway, maps and permission letters sorted, off I went.



I like to have a walk around on my own to plan my attack, so thats what I did yesterday evening, me, the HW100T, and a few Fenn 6's, and 50 wires :thumbs: I arived at the gated roadway to the yard, only to find it locked, bollocks! Forgot to ask for a key :angry: So all the gear was chucked into my shoulder bag, rifle over my shoulder, and off I trotted. I could see the rabbits heading for the surounding crops, which is better than heading for the warrens, as I new the little gits would be back on the roadways to browse the grass :yes:


First off I set the Fenns where the miner rabbits had dug under the cattle sheds, then I had a look for some were to sit and watch the silage bails, and see if the nibblers would put in and appearance ;)




I found a nice little spot, just in the shade, and sat on a 25 gallon drum, its a nice place for a fairly new concrete cattle barn, the birds were singing their little lungs out, the white barn dove were pecking each othere faces in a passionate manner, to me they're just another sorce of ferret food, but these were put here, so I cant whack them :no: I heard a russtle in the nettles to my right, and out popped ferret snack number one, WHACK! and one of the silage robbers gang bites the dust, hocked and hung, I went for a wander around the barns to look for another place to sit, the doves were starting to get on my wick, and I had started to look at them through the sights on my gun :D




I chose to sit here and look through this slatted window, becuase when I walked up the roadway the rabbits made a B line for the rape on the other side of the yard, if you look through the slatts you can see some short grass on the edge of the yard where it joins the rape field, this is where the rabbits were sat. I sat looking out at the grass patiently, and then BOING! out popped a nice sized bunny, so I slapped him up the side of the head with a Superdome WHACK! after a quick rolley polley he was hung up on the cattle crush with the other I knocked over earlier. I was about another half a hour until the next bunny hopped out to have a munch, I was just about to take the shot when I could banging behind me, thinking it may be one of the lads from the farm I delayed the shot, I was stunned to find a fox hanging off one of my rabbits trying to pull it off the cattle crush, I tryed to get my camera out to do a vid, but it heard the power up noise from the camera :angry: The cheeky little git :D So back to the window, only to find the rabbits had done one, probably down to the fox :angry: So another change of spot, onto the paddock to see what was on the rabbit highways, and as luck would have it, there was one bunny sat out on it, so another 14.5 grains of lead was flung at it, WHACK! C'mon baby :D by this time it was getting on, and I still had to set the wires on the paddock, so thats what I did, in the end had 3 nice sized ferret snacks, and the chance at a few more in the morning when I'd set up all the traps, so another wander ends, the wires and traps set, the pix taken, it was time to get off home, the end of day shot, if you look hard enough you can see where the fox was swinging on the bunny, its the middle one with the teeth marks on its ears :laugh:






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hi ya stealthy

fantastic write up matey and great pictures to stealthy and them foxes are cheeky aint they i had one take the rabbit while it was on the snare and then it ran off into my fox snare lesson learnt MR Fox dont try and out smart us we will win lol

and a SP for a good write up :thumbs:



Edited by venomviper
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hi ya stealthy

fantastic write up matey and great pictures to stealthy and them foxes are cheeky aint they i had one take the rabbit while it was on the snare and then it ran off into my fox snare lesson learnt MR Fox dont try and out smart us we will win lol

and a SP for a good write up :thumbs:





Cheers mate :thumbs:

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As allways Stealthy :notworthy:


Brilliant. I've started leaving a young bunny out for the fox. If its a regular in the Cemy, it should help keep them out of the cemy and in the paddock or bunnyland.


Having said that I bopped 3 juvies last night in the cemy.


PM inbound and SPA



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As allways Stealthy :notworthy:


Brilliant. I've started leaving a young bunny out for the fox. If its a regular in the Cemy, it should help keep them out of the cemy and in the paddock or bunnyland.


Having said that I bopped 3 juvies last night in the cemy.


PM inbound and SPA





Cheers Phantom, and if I can help :thumbs:

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Hiya Stealthy.


Absolutly brilliant write up mate, realy enjoyed that :clapper:


When you were explaining about Mr Parsons chatting away, my mind wandered off to radio 2, Terry Wogan telling a Jannet and John story.....magic, have you ever listend to him, all in aid of children in need.....I digress :doh:


What a stroke of good fortune meeting up with Mr Parson, he sounds like a good old sort.

The permission sounds interesting too.


Great photos too buddy, like the slatted window one.


Good shooting, I hope the fenn's do well for you too.


Cracking post :yes: .......have a slut mate :clapper: .







Bill. :thumbs:


P.S. Infact........have TWO :D


P.P.S.......bugger....cant do two :icon_redface::D

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Hiya Stealthy.


Absolutly brilliant write up mate, realy enjoyed that :clapper:


When you were explaining about Mr Parsons chatting away, my mind wandered off to radio 2, Terry Wogan telling a Jannet and John story.....magic, have you ever listend to him, all in aid of children in need.....I digress :doh:


What a stroke of good fortune meeting up with Mr Parson, he sounds like a good old sort.

The permission sounds interesting too.


Great photos too buddy, like the slatted window one.


Good shooting, I hope the fenn's do well for you too.


Cracking post :yes: .......have a slut mate :clapper: .







Bill. :thumbs:


P.S. Infact........have TWO :D


P.P.S.......bugger....cant do two :icon_redface::D



Old Mr Parsons I've known for years, from the cattle market days when I used to sweep out the shit in the holding pens, he used to buy me a cup of tea and a bacon sarnie to keep his pens cleaner than everyone elses, said it made his calves look better than the rest :laugh: I've been up there this morning, 9 in the wires, 1 in the Fenns, but it looks like the other miners have jumped over the one in the Fenn, so it has been reset, and will be checked again later ;)

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Smashing stuff mate. Let us know how you get on at the new land!





I've been on Mr Parsons land before, but its a bit out of my way, but its worth the drive, its like Haywains land, only moderatly modern, if you know what I mean :D

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