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Lieutenant Mark Evison

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Here is the video which explains all (sorry about the queer music it wouldn't let me put up some good stuff) :


Hi all,

Don't know if any of you knew him personally or had heard of him but on the 9th May 2009 Lieutenant Evison was shot in the shoulder during an ambush on patrol.

Here is an article about him : http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8050750.stm


A few months after his death the Mark Evison Foundation was set up which basically has an award scheme whereby it provides money and funding for people to go forth and do challenges in memory of him. In my school me and my mate won the challenge.


If you feel that the challenge/cause is worthy of your money then please donate via the website : http://www.justgiving.com/Our4X4Challenge



P.S : the challenge will be occurring sometime in July 2010 depending on weather and train delays.(Update Soon)

Edited by young_london_hunter
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