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a sad day

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how do lads

well what can i say im completley gutted 4 weeks ago my jill gave birth to 10 kits and all has been well mother and kits doing brilliant until i got in from work last night to find my jill dead in the cage .. dont know whats happened she was fine when i left for work up to her normal tricks like she normally does but when i got in she'd passed..... so now im hand rearing 10 kits .. me and the bairn made a place in the garden and burried her last night ....



atb gary

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its a gut wrencher when you lose a one,lost one of my jills the other month,took her up to where we ferret,where she had her last trip to and buried her up there,left a few bunnie ghosts for her to chase,and keep her company,at least you got the kits to keep you busy,atb,ian

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Thats a shame mate, if you want to make life easier with the rearing, put your rabbit through a mince machine, a mate did this a few years ago when a ferral cat killed his jill through the mesh of his cage, and the kits did really well :thumbs:

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Bollocks.. :( Sorry to hear that Gary. Poor ole ferrets go downhill so quickly. They seem fine one minute, then they can be at deaths door within a few hours. I lost a hob like that a few months back.

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I lost a Jill last year and the kits were 4 weeks old. Feed them on goats milk don't use soya milk. If you cannot get goats milk use lactose free kitten milk. Add some to the mince you are feeding them and dont forget to make them defecate & pee after every feed.

Mine were on a feed every 4 hours for the first 2 weeks then I reduced it down to 4 aday as they ate more in one meal.


Good luck.



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It could well have been mastitis that killed your jill, as it seems to be most common when the kits are around 4 weeks old. It's wise to check nursing jills twice a day to ensure that there is no hard swelling or change in color in and around any of the mammary glands and nipples. If caught early, when only one nipple is infected, the less serious type can be easily treated with Amoxycillin or Clavamox, and the kits don't have to be removed. The more serious type (e. coli mastitis) can kill the jill within hours, so it's vital that a vet see the jill ASAP if there is any indication of an infection. If either is left untreated, the infection can also kill the kits.

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thanks for the comments guys the kits are all doing fine they just mob me when i open the hutch lol they are pretty much eating and drinking on there own now (5 weeks on saturday) there is 1 that stands out from the rest pure and its the only white albino in the litter so im keeping her i might keep another as well lol by the time they get to 8 weeks ill not want any of them to go lol


atb gary

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