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African Lion Bow Kill

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As i said at the start of this thread, its not something i'm interested in doing,


i haven't watched the vid, as i hate to see an animal suffer, but i'm not gonna slate anyone who wants to experience it, thats their decision, i hold lions and elephants, whales, as truely amazing creatures, as i do deer, but i have no incling to hunt them, whereas i love the thrill of a deer stalk,


So i can aliken that those hunting any creature, get the same thrill from hunting whichever animal they choose..


This is a hunting forum, And we should be able to debate our point of view freely, i'm no anti believe me, But should we really resort to looking for someone to throw on the pire.....????


yours in hunting....



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It's not my sort of hunting, but each to their own.

Not my type of hunting either, But these big game reserves were people pay £££ to shoot Lions, Rhinos etc.. have actualy played a big part in boosting the wild population numbers of many animals in

so many anti comments on this thread.   any wonder fox cant be hunted when hunters turn on their own .   nice one lads , keep it up . you wont be happy until they done shooting and fishing aswell

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there was a lot of game about them , the ranches are preserving and putting something back now.


i know you would never change your mind on the suject but at least we have gone over 10 pages without it being pulled lol

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If any one is interested in hunting big game then I would recommend reading some of John Pondoro Taylors books all of the game he took was completely wild yet most of his shots where sub 15 yards even on confirmed man eating lion he was probably considered one of the most knowledgeable big game hunters to ever live.



a bit too steep for me but thanks for the heads up , i will have to have a look around





i noticed you said sub 15 yards , you got to take your hats off to them they had some balls



This has to be one of the best reads on hunting wild big game.



On one ocasion taylor baits a live catch trap with himself to kill a maneater,big balls indeed :thumbs:




Different times and different thinking maybe but we should all share a common ideology no mater what our prey.

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If any one is interested in hunting big game then I would recommend reading some of John Pondoro Taylors books all of the game he took was completely wild yet most of his shots where sub 15 yards even on confirmed man eating lion he was probably considered one of the most knowledgeable big game hunters to ever live.



a bit too steep for me but thanks for the heads up , i will have to have a look around





i noticed you said sub 15 yards , you got to take your hats off to them they had some balls



This has to be one of the best reads on hunting wild big game.



On one ocasion taylor baits a live catch trap with himself to kill a maneater,big balls indeed :thumbs:




Different times and different thinking maybe but we should all share a common ideology no mater what our prey.


"On one ocasion taylor baits a live catch trap with himself to kill a maneater,big balls indeed" :thumbs:

Exactly how I feel when getting involved with new woman!:icon_eek:

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well im truly shocked that people on this site cannot stand side by side by other peoples form of hunting , just because your fat bullx wouldnt stand a chance on it you have to knock people using (what is legal in that country) different forms of weapons.


be it guns / bows / snares


that lion may of been breed to be hunted , but so are pheasants partridge etc..


most of you cant see past the M25 , maybe you should get out in the big wide world and see a bit.


i dont like cock fighting but it wouldnt stop me watching a match in a country where it is legal as traditions / cultures intrest me and i have NO right to judge others. also bullfighting ( bred to fight in spains national sport ffs )


we had a tradition called fox hunting and also badger hunting , even had live pigeon decoys once (which i think has no place now due to clays) but have all been taken away and just seems a few are very bitter.


each to there own 'in any form of fieldsport they do' i say





I think i love you too. :laugh:

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Just my opinion but I think game should only be killed for either food or pest control to preserve other species. I kill to put food on my plate for me it makes me appreciate my food and appreciate where it comes from more than just buying something off the shelf. That sort of thing is just for some idiot to get a picture with. Not for me just killed for the fun.


I hunt for trophy deer, elk , lion , bear ect... Taking pictures along the way ... Mounting the horns and tanning the hides And not a shred of meat goe's to waste.... Just as all the "trophy" hunters I know.... Your point is that what you do is so much more superior and ethical than the way other people hunt...

You "feel" a need to justify your methods by claiming nutrition and a sense self reliance - and now you "feel" entitled by this to point your booger tipped dirty finger at another hunter in a blamefull manner... :thumbdown: This dosn't wash mate....:censored:



I wonder how ferret tastes on the grill? :icon_eek:



Well i obviously hit a sore spot. Im sorry that my point of view was so offensive to you. The next rabbit i kill for the pot ill make sure i get a picture to show it off. :drink: have a drink on me.

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Just my opinion but I think game should only be killed for either food or pest control to preserve other species. I kill to put food on my plate for me it makes me appreciate my food and appreciate where it comes from more than just buying something off the shelf. That sort of thing is just for some idiot to get a picture with. Not for me just killed for the fun.


I hunt for trophy deer, elk , lion , bear ect... Taking pictures along the way ... Mounting the horns and tanning the hides And not a shred of meat goe's to waste.... Just as all the "trophy" hunters I know.... Your point is that what you do is so much more superior and ethical than the way other people hunt...

You "feel" a need to justify your methods by claiming nutrition and a sense self reliance - and now you "feel" entitled by this to point your booger tipped dirty finger at another hunter in a blamefull manner... :thumbdown: This dosn't wash mate....:censored:



I wonder how ferret tastes on the grill? :icon_eek:



Well i obviously hit a sore spot. Im sorry that my point of view was so offensive to you. The next rabbit i kill for the pot ill make sure i get a picture to show it off. :drink: have a drink on me.




You are a liar and what's worse is you lie to yourself.....so you cook it ? Big f*****g deal....had you not found game would your family go hungry ? No....you'd gone to the store and picked up a roasting chicken.

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Just my opinion but I think game should only be killed for either food or pest control to preserve other species. I kill to put food on my plate for me it makes me appreciate my food and appreciate where it comes from more than just buying something off the shelf. That sort of thing is just for some idiot to get a picture with. Not for me just killed for the fun.


I hunt for trophy deer, elk , lion , bear ect... Taking pictures along the way ... Mounting the horns and tanning the hides And not a shred of meat goe's to waste.... Just as all the "trophy" hunters I know.... Your point is that what you do is so much more superior and ethical than the way other people hunt...

You "feel" a need to justify your methods by claiming nutrition and a sense self reliance - and now you "feel" entitled by this to point your booger tipped dirty finger at another hunter in a blamefull manner... :thumbdown: This dosn't wash mate....:censored:



I wonder how ferret tastes on the grill? :icon_eek:



Well i obviously hit a sore spot. Im sorry that my point of view was so offensive to you. The next rabbit i kill for the pot ill make sure i get a picture to show it off. :drink: have a drink on me.


"Be verwy verwy quiet we are hunting wabbits"

Elemer Fudd

post-44911-069367400 1277096541_thumb.jpeg

Yes please do post a picture of you and your dead rabbit - like to see that! :icon_eek:

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pity its parents didnt turn up and maul the wanker


Why would someone who enjoys and understands their hunting, say something like that?

just my opinion mate,dont agree with killing lions and certainly not with a bow and arrow

maybe a bold statement for a hunting site but there you go.


couldnt have said it better myself :clapper::thumbdown::thumbdown:

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