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police raid!

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ya wont get done for treating your dogs you self, gravel rooley helped my pal, and in the end they went down the road, with unessry suffring even tho they gave the dogs pain killers etc,, but he got of with it cos it was the right thing what he had givern the dogs and granvell went down the roads it was better to give the dog something than noting, and the case was dropped

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Find yourself a good honest trustworthy vet - and seek vet treatment for any injuries to your dogs - even if it is just a formality.   If they are really scraping the barrel to confiscate your anima

You have to be on guard at all times and choose the people you associate with.   I have no knowledge to this particluar case as i'me over 300 miles away from scotland, but hwat i will say is be care

there are some great vets out there who own working dogs thereself. theres one local to me and hes petitioning to legalise the hunting of deer with dogs. take anything to him he dont ask questions he

ya wont get done for treating your dogs you self, gravel rooley helped my pal, and in the end they went down the road, with unessry suffring even tho they gave the dogs pain killers etc,, but he got of with it cos it was the right thing what he had givern the dogs and granvell went down the roads it was better to give the dog something than noting, and the case was dropped

my friend said clive rees cant deal with the law in scotland so if any one knows anyone to help him asap it would be most apreciated thanks.

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how would that work on dogs kept indoors though ftb? surely if they come into a house where the dogs are lying on a big comfy bed with its water bowl etc next to it would they still be able to take them away :thumbdown: Im sure I read on here one of the lads that had his dogs took had an old retired dog taken from the house this imo is bang out of order :thumbdown:

they took all my dogs including a pup there proper wankers

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there alawyer in edinburgh who deals with poaching an all the rest of this nonsense ,thye try the police scare tatics you just have to be on your toes and make sure you can cover yure self ,there a bunch of failed police so they jion the sspca etc , and kinds like the forth water bailiffes etc tough when there six surrounding you but not to tough if you find them on there own ,the all work together s it gets harder to dodge them at times ,they think of animals more than humans at times eejits, i hate there tatics but nothing new the police use to do the same in thatchers days ,to wn against them you have to be clever and think like the enemy , a they are ,alot of local plice wouldnt no athing if it wasnt for the rspc educating them a bit, hunted all my life and not going to stop cause some stripe tels me not to

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i became a life memeber of the rspca years ago.why? because of the good work they do, no.because they have a clear picture of how the countryside works,no.

because when they asked members to vote on the laws they want to introduce i can vote NO.

not very effective i know but what did the ca,basc do for us when it counted..


just think if thousands of pro hunting people were able to veto the way the rspca worked from the inside?

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You have to be on guard at all times and choose the people you associate with.


I have no knowledge to this particluar case as i'me over 300 miles away from scotland, but hwat i will say is be careful lads. I visit a few lurcher and terrier shows and have done the photography at a few. Being a working dog enthusiast myself although i only keep a couple of whippets and a working lab now i have kept lurchers in the past and know my dogs.

Some folk don't do there self any favours i've heard lads bragging on the top of there voice about illegal activities around the lurcher/terrier rings. Now they don't know who's stood next to them do they?. I've also took a few photo's of dogs that have been really marked up bad some of which the injuries were still wet and swollen, obviously these pics are deleted off my systems as soon as i get home, so they don't go onto the online albums for people to view. However the dog is there for all to see at the show and it's getting more common for the authorities to visit these events in civi clothes, all they need to do is follow you to your vehicle they get your car number plate and they have your address.


As i say i don't know any details about this case only what i have read on the post, but what i will say is some people need to watch your mouth when your at the shows or in the pub, some can't keep there mouth shut and brag and boast just to boost there ego and they only have there self to blame!!!.


These raids and the way they go about them are totally wrong.

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I agree totally in wat mally is saying a lad who i know whos well known for birds of prey in my area and is called upon to sort out B.O.P that are found and takes some of them to the local P.D.S.A hospital to sort out minor injuries and the vet their told him about some of the clowns that take smashed up dogs their and claim they have been in fights and such.

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Find yourself a good honest trustworthy vet - and seek vet treatment for any injuries to your dogs - even if it is just a formality.


If they are really scraping the barrel to confiscate your animals they will try their upmost to do you for failure to provide veterinary treatment.


Keep yourself to yourself, don't give them any reason to screw you, don't give them any convicting evidence and most importantly carry on enjoying your sport.



so would it be safe to take the dogs to my vet to treat there wounds and say there of what?

without any questions and if they do treat them they canot charge you with the cruetly part as you are treating them from a vet unles they can prove the marks/bites are of somthing else i dont think id like to chance it?

there are some great vets out there who own working dogs thereself. theres one local to me and hes petitioning to legalise the hunting of deer with dogs. take anything to him he dont ask questions he just gets them back on the mend no questions asked. ask around between dog men your be surprised there are alot of good working dog vets out there. i found mine by recommendation of other dog men

Edited by jamie1011
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a feel for you mate, iv just got my dog back today after 3

months in the rspca's kennels, police couldnt do me for anything

but they didnt half try, never mind better luck next time :feck:

clive reevs helped us out over the phone a few times he seems

like a top bloke, good luck to any one who gets in trouble with

these horrible fuckers :drink:

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Cheers for writing the post. How can they raid two houses at the same time (me and my hunting partner) and take all of my dogs whereas only take one of his lurchers. They walked into the house taking what they pleased (even though it was nothing to do with what they had come for) ratching through paper work and everything. Took all of my lamps and digging equiptment but i am getting my lamps back.

I have been on the phone to the SSPCA and I am not getting my terrier back or one of my lurchers (atleast until the court case). How can a vet tell me what i have been doing with my dogs, as they claim i have been badger digging. There are no fresh wounds on any of dogs. They are also trying to do me with failure to treat injuries to my dogs even though the dogs are in tip top condition.

Also getting done with having 7 self-locking snares when they were all shop bought.

If you know any hunting solicitors that take cases in Scotland then please let me know a.s.a.p.


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