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police raid!

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sorry to hear about this,i hope your mate uses this as motivation to DO something actively to hurt the c**ts,and continues to do so even after he's got his dogs back.

even if its just making posters and leaflets we can all do something and we should,not supporting these people is not enough we need to actively do something all of us,dont just sit back shake your head and then moan when you're dogs are gone,thats not nearly enough,everyone needs to wake up and deal with this now,

how many years do you think before the RSPCA can take your dogs without the police being there?

im sure with what ive been reading up on alot of other raids there will be plenty of ground to stand on i would of thought its just what can we do maybe it should be put to a higher group i,e B.A.S.C ETC for someone to helpall the dog men and women out there and for the future of our interests to put a stop to this insanity surely they cant take your pets away from your home with no proof of breaking the,i.e with no hair/dna can they tell a rip of barb wire to a badger bite and if not how can that be animal cruelty.

i do not have a degree in law but i know to stand up for what i believe and like many others your right somthing needs done about it now before they come to your door for your dogs or mine home for my dogs i couldnt bear loosing them !



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Find yourself a good honest trustworthy vet - and seek vet treatment for any injuries to your dogs - even if it is just a formality.   If they are really scraping the barrel to confiscate your anima

You have to be on guard at all times and choose the people you associate with.   I have no knowledge to this particluar case as i'me over 300 miles away from scotland, but hwat i will say is be care

there are some great vets out there who own working dogs thereself. theres one local to me and hes petitioning to legalise the hunting of deer with dogs. take anything to him he dont ask questions he

IMHO i think lads have got to be more carefull know who they talk to about their dogs and the type of work they do with them as this is becoming a popular occurence more now a days.I remember a case in the 90s [bANNED TEXT] a video some lads at barnsley had made that fell into the wrong hands and it resulted in raids and lads getting dogs took off them and the shit the rspca got away with then beggard believecensored.gifcensored.gif

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I think it's high time some started taking private prosecutions against the RSPCA. That will quiet them down a bit... :victory:





i tried it mate but unlees ya a millienere youve not chance, ya more chance of plattin shit, than sueing the basterds

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i always thought charitys were supposed to help people not prosecute them had my run ins with the shower of sh*te years ago but thats another story just tell everyone about the time they were gifted a fortune when someone died and they took the family to court to make them pay the 40% tax on it good on the judge when he found in the familys favour their donations will soon start to dry up, bunch of tossers with no powers what so ever only the police have power to enter

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I have noticed ass well recently they have a television advertiseing campaign for donations with pics of animal cruelty and then that inspector holding a border collie pup i am afraid more money this corrupt charity gets more powerfull it will becomecensored.gifwallbash.gif

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bunch of tossers with no powers what so ever only the police have power to enter


not for much longer imo,theyre gaining power and if everyone doesnt realise this and try to stop them they'll be just like the police soon

the fuckers act as if they are the police trying all their scare tactics under the sun when the police are present with them :censored:

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Find yourself a good honest trustworthy vet - and seek vet treatment for any injuries to your dogs - even if it is just a formality.


If they are really scraping the barrel to confiscate your animals they will try their upmost to do you for failure to provide veterinary treatment.


Keep yourself to yourself, don't give them any reason to screw you, don't give them any convicting evidence and most importantly carry on enjoying your sport.



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Find yourself a good honest trustworthy vet - and seek vet treatment for any injuries to your dogs - even if it is just a formality.


If they are really scraping the barrel to confiscate your animals they will try their upmost to do you for failure to provide veterinary treatment.


Keep yourself to yourself, don't give them any reason to screw you, don't give them any convicting evidence and most importantly carry on enjoying your sport.



so would it be safe to take the dogs to my vet to treat there wounds and say there of what?

without any questions and if they do treat them they canot charge you with the cruetly part as you are treating them from a vet unles they can prove the marks/bites are of somthing else i dont think id like to chance it?

Edited by kipperfox
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Guest alcapone

thanks for the advice,the dogs were just sunbathing in the back garden,they dogs have seen alot but they get well looked after makes me sick to know they can do this when your dogs are looked after treated well and your just siting at home thyen some mupet knocks on the door and takes your life times worth of hunting memrobilia and your beloved pets!which love what they do and wouldnt want to be doing anything else as you know your selfs how excited your dogs get when they know there goin out its all they live for.

dogs are wild animals not to cooked up in house all day with some ANTI working dogs need worked!

i just hope he gets them back and wish the best to who ever this happens to.

i,ve just had the same they pts 3 pit types and the rspca took 2 bull xs they,ve also seen alot and got well looked after but did you know that if you treat your dogs your self to heal them up your breaking the law i told them that i,d treated my dogs from the work the night [bANNED TEXT] and was told it was ileagle so they trying to do me for lack of vetanery care and if i dont get them back they will be pts as thats the kindest thing for them so they say get hold of clive reevs

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Don't trust just any vet. Some are right scummy b*****ds that will be on the phone as soon as your out the door.

Go to a reccomended working dog vet, or one that you trust.


If the dog has a nasty, you really need to get it done professionally. These days failure to do this and sooner rather than later it will come back on you.



At the end of the day they will try their hardest to feck you for one thing or another (say your dogs underweight, say there living conditions were below standard, say they didnt have access to water - the list goes on).

The best way to avoid these situations is to work away quietly and don't use technology to shoot yourself in the foot - PC, phones, cameras etc.


And watch the company you keep - more often than not these pricks get intel from people closer to you than you may think.


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how would that work on dogs kept indoors though ftb? surely if they come into a house where the dogs are lying on a big comfy bed with its water bowl etc next to it would they still be able to take them away :thumbdown: Im sure I read on here one of the lads that had his dogs took had an old retired dog taken from the house this imo is bang out of order :thumbdown:

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how would that work on dogs kept indoors though ftb? surely if they come into a house where the dogs are lying on a big comfy bed with its water bowl etc next to it would they still be able to take them away :thumbdown: Im sure I read on here one of the lads that had his dogs took had an old retired dog taken from the house this imo is bang out of order :thumbdown:



Depends on what they are - what work you do - and what the scrote who grassed on you told them.


At the end of the day, once they have your dogs you are fecked. They will take them for whatever pety reason they can come up with knowing full well it will cost YOU money to get them back.


The law stipulates innocent untill proven guilty - but somehow for us it is guilty untill proven innocent.



Edited by FightTheBan
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this is why im anti rspca + ispca, i support a lot of the other dog charitys

dogs trust etc, but rspca are a bunch of power hungry know it all wannabe do-gooders that do far more harm than good, i avoid them where possible despite my animals being in the finest of health,i wouldnt pull the rspca out of a boghole if they were drowning.


however i couldnt/wouldnt say a bad word about

the dogs trust, wood green, the donkey sanctuary and all those like them.

and would much rather see them get the funding.


i hope your mate gets his dogs back.

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