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A bore sighter falls into one of two camps.

Usefull tool or waste of money.

Quick to set up, easy to use, to get a rough zero you don't have to take a shot.

You do need to finnish of on paper & when done if you note the postion you have a reference if the scope is disturbed.

For years I didn't need or want one, now I have I realise it would of saved me so much grief checking mounts & scope adjustment capability as well as the more obvious zeroing.

Well made, easy to use.

Just fit the bore sigher, look through your scope, you see a grid, adjust your scope so the cross hair lines up, with my sub 12ftb air rifle I set it high.

Made of metal, I'm sure it will outlast my rifles.

It's now gathering dust untill my next scope change.

Am I glad I got it. Just like the special tools you need for cars & m/bikes etc.

Expensive, not used often but when you do use it you'r glad you made the investment.

If you are in the don't need one or wont use one camp, fair enough.

There will be a few that reads this & quietly goes away thinking that looks handy I'll check them out.

Simmons, Bushnell, Hawk make them & they all look the same, check the arbour (rod) sizes supplied though. The Hawk version is also called a shot saver.

Bore sighter, marmite item, love or not worth the money.



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Hi, mate.


I used to use them years back when I worked in a gun shop but that was only really on CF rifles to get a rough set-up 'cos of the high cost of the rounds.


Never used one on an airgun though, I guess it would save a bit of time.


I can see it'd be OK on a PCP but thinking about it, I don't think it'd be much use on a springer.... :hmm:



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