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Ferreting with our a loactor

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Guest craftycarper

Nay.. leave it out mate, if you thought anything of your ferts and your own peace of mind & time leave well alone and spend some dosh on one. As for the 8 holes give it a rest, i've put mine down 2 bloody holes with a 15ft locator and had it stop locating :blink: till it came back into range...

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i have been ferreting since i was 14 i am now 39, and never used a locater in my life

woudn't know how, i use my dog's to do that job for me, i've got a springer that

is shit hot at ferreting, and i just got myself a lurcher bitch seven weeks old so

she'll have a good teacher for the future, i trust my dog's ability over any

mechanical device any day, my dog's battery's don't run out. i suppose you just

get stuck in your own way of doing thing's, and i've never lost a ferret to this day {touch wood}


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Guest craftycarper

youve lost me a little here mate, i understand that to some the old way is best but at the end of the day you have to move with the times & i would say that a lot of luck has played a part in this. Dogs are all well and good for marking i've never had a problem with that as i will always trust my bitch 100% that when stood by a hole theres definately something at home. The bit that has me confused is if your fert is layed up some 12 ft away from where the dog is marking how the hell do you know where and what direction to dig? The idea of the locator is to give you more a less a spot on mark of a few inches square to dig to with the added benefit of still checking its location even as you dig to make sure it has not moved elsewhere or to stop digging until they settle again. I would say that your way would involve a hell of a lot of digging or perhaps waiting around.

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Well said craftycarper. :thumbs-up:


I ferreted with a good lurcher years back, with no locator and to a certain degree, they may locate a ferret underground, but not 6 ft under :blink: , thats for sure. :no:


I waited for a long time on cold and frosty days for the stinkers to come out, never again. :blink:


I have now got a MK 3 locator and to say its been of great benefit, is an understatement. It has made life so much easier. :yes:


As for batteries, its your job to keep them checked and have new ones on hand when they run out. ;)



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Its been a very mild autumn as well mate... may be a few late litters still kicking around. :hmm: If your only 50 squid shy of a mk3 it may pay just to wait til payday. I've never used line ferrets as it always looked like too much work as well as stuffing the bury up for later on in the season... not to mention the risk of losing the wee fella. :(

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Guest craftycarper

The batteries going can happen to anyone, could be naff lot (even though new) you have just put in that were working when you started, collars coming free maybe from a tangle down below they are every day one off's which have to be dealt with as and when they occur. But to me, going out without the finder is a def no no :no: and is going back to the dark ages, it's a bit like me going out without me mobile..

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youve lost me a little here mate, i understand that to some the old way is best but at the end of the day you have to move with the times & i would say that a lot of luck has played a part in this. Dogs are all well and good for marking i've never had a problem with that as i will always trust my bitch 100% that when stood by a hole theres definately something at home. The bit that has me confused is if your fert is layed up some 12 ft away from where the dog is marking how the hell do you know where and what direction to dig? The idea of the locator is to give you more a less a spot on mark of a few inches square to dig to with the added benefit of still checking its location even as you dig to make sure it has not moved elsewhere or to stop digging until they settle again. I would say that your way would involve a hell of a lot of digging or perhaps waiting around.


to answer your quirie it does involve a lot of waiting around as i don't dig to my ferret's i do this as a hobby

and don't see the piont of carrying spades and the like round with me all day.

i like to enjoy my days out with my son and the dog's, not to be digging all day long if they bolt they bolt if they don't they don't, the ferrets don't lie to long anyway each to there own i say, besides it gives us time to eat oor pieces. :whistle:

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