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*** BSA Lightning XL Tactical .22 (custom camo)***

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BSA Lightning XL Tactical .22, only been used a few times. Very good condition.


Custom camo is canvas tape with camo paints worked in (a method widley used by snipers). This can be removed if you do not want it, however it really helps break-up the outline of the rifle = less chance of you being spotted by animals.


Taken out bunnies at good ranges with this. Taken down many pigeons, magpies and grey squirrels. Nice and quiet, Cheek rest really allows The shot to be taken quickly as keeps your eye in perfect alignment with the scope. Overall a really nice rifle.



Need to sell it to raise a bit of cash to go on a trip to Canada with mates. Scope in picture not included.



I've knocked the price right down to £215 posted. (i will chuck in 500 .22 Webley Powa-pells free of charge) I've spent over £300 on this rifle and considering it's only 4 months old, £215 posted is a bargain. Get yourself a nice rifle at a good price and give me a hand in getting to Canada ! :)


PM me if you are interested




No-more-rabbits :)


Edited by No-more-rabbits
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